Weekend Getaway

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Sarah's POV
It was the next morning since the six of us watched Purple Hearts. I think we should do a weekend getaway before u know everyone gets busy because I'm gonna be busy with the wedding and so is everyone else. At least we would get to enjoy the weekend together! So I had to get everyone well just only John B, Pope, and Cleo to the Wreck since Kiara and JJ are there to talk about what I've been thinking, The Weekend Getaway by me, Sarah Cameron!!

John B-did something happen?!
Sarah-no nothing happened
Pope-did JJ get the kitchen on fire?!
JJ-I heard that
Pope-sry bro!
Kiara-well then what is it Sarah?!
Sarah-u know I've been thinking since we had the movie night last night that we should do a weekend getaway with each other this coming weekend
JJ-uhhh yea I could take the weekend off
Kiara-so can I! (Jiara have eye contact with each other)
John B-well I'm in cause Sarah is my GF!
Cleo-I'm in too since I have nothing to do!
Pope-ummm well I guess I'm in!
John B-finally!
JJ-no more asking daddy for vacations!
(They all laugh)
Sarah-oh and I already planned the place too, we are going to Charleston and I got a 5 star hotel and booked three rooms
Cleo-with how many beds in each?
Pope-yea Cleo and I need two beds in our room
Sarah-yea and that's why I got two king rooms and one queen room!
Kiara-well then I can't wait to go to Charleston!
Sarah-well we have a few more days!
John B-and we can all together
Jiara-ummm no
John B-why not?
Sarah-yea why not Jiara?!
JJ-well we are gonna be a married couple
Cleo-yea but married ppl go do stuff with their friends still
Kiara-well it's just I want to be my bae
JJ-and I want to be with my bae too! (JJ puts his arm around Kiaras waist)
Cleo-just let them go separately
Sarah-and make sure u two go to the same hotel in Charleston
Kiara-we don't even know the hotel
Sarah-I just sent it to u both
Pope-so we are taking the Twinkie right?
John B-yup we are, she's a oldie but a goodie!
Cleo-that car is super roomy!!
John B-and that's why I love it sm!!
JJ-ur such a simp for ur car
Kiara-yea he's right
(They all laugh except for John B)
Sarah-anyways let's go pack and get ready for the Weekend Getaway!

John B, Sarah, Pope, and Cleo leave the Wreck while Jiara stay because they have to close up the Wreck for the night since Kiara's parents are at a relatives house having dinner. Btw it's already closed when Jiara are talking.

Kiara-I'm soooo glad we aren't going with them!
JJ-yup and now we can take the Lambo!
Kiara-yea and plus it's only a small carry on we are taking because it's only two days!
JJ-but we get to race them!
Kiara-oh heck yea we will race them! (Racing meaning by getting to the hotel first)oh and btw I told my parents the days of our honeymoon so that they know the days not to plan anything at night
JJ-ok and I booked the hotels for the two places we are going to
Kiara-great can't wait for a vacay just the two of us!
JJ-I can't wait either! (They make out)

That Saturday Morning Jiara are already in the car headed to Charleston while the rest are just putting the stuff in the car.

John B-why r u two taking a lot?
Sarah-skincare routine, makeup, shampoo, towels, and most importantly six pairs of dresses and clothes to change into twice a day
Cleo-yup we both packed a lot
Pope and John B-wtf!
Pope-just wait and see what Kiara packed and it's gonna be less compared to them
John B-I can barely put these in the car so ur gonna say goodbye to these two suitcases
Sarah-bye nail polish suitcase! (Waves bye)
Cleo-bye hair accessories suitcase! (Also waves bye)
Pope-I only got a small suitcase full of stuff
John B-same here bro, now let's go before we don't go!

They all get into the car and start their drive. Sarah calls Kiara and they both put it on speaker.

Sarah-hey where u guys at?
Kiara-umm let's see...we are gonna be there in an hour, what about u guys?
Sarah-oh we just left so a good 5hrs for us
Kiara-what?! how long did it take u guys to leave?
John B-Sarah and Cleo got 5 suitcases each
JJ-that's super funny that u guys have to deal with that while Kie and I put one suitcase in the car and left
Kiara-a carry on suitcase to be exact
Pope-see I told u guys they would pack less
Sarah-but my nail polish suitcase...
Cleo-and my hair accessories suitcase...
Kiara-u guys have a suitcase for that?! JJ and I have one medium sized suitcase and a carry on and we only took the carry on for this trip
Cleo-but y'all don't have frizzy hair like me
Sarah-and cute nail polish like me
Kiara-ok gtg now the Wi-Fi is getting...bad...(hangs up)
JJ-damn they pack a lot
Kiara-and that's why I wanted us to go by ourselves
JJ-well now I get that...poor John B and Pope having to deal with that
Kiara-ehhh that's their problem now! (Smiles)
JJ-and it ways will be for John B but idk for Pope

An hour later...

Sarah-are we there yet? Cause I need to use the restroom
John B-no we are not and we are in bumper to bumper traffic
Pope-we aren't even halfway there yet
Cleo-ughhh most probably Jiara are already on vacay mode and we still in traffic!!

With Jiara.

Kiara-this is amazing!
JJ-and this drink is awesome! But what's awesome is that we won the race to getting here first!
Kiara-and we are already unpacked and by the pool area! And they have yet to come and check in
JJ-looks like they are 2hrs away
Kiara-omg that's a lot but I wonder what's happening in the car rn...

With the rest in the Twinkie.

Cleo-put the AC on plz!!
Sarah-yea I don't want my makeup to get watery
John B-it's already on
Pope-it's just that this car has bad AC
Sarah-we should've taken the Volvo instead
Cleo-but we got more room in here
Sarah-that is right

A few more hours later...

Sarah-where are we at rn? We will miss the reservation!!
John B-we are 20min away
Cleo-so that's when the reservation is...
Pope-see we will not make it to our reservation
Sarah-and we have to change too!
Cleo-why don't we change in the back of the van rn!
Sarah-yea we can!

They all take turns changing and are ready for the reservation when they get to the hotel.

Kiara-it's been 30min and they're still not here
JJ-wanna ditch?!
Kiara-yea let's do it!

As they get up the rest come and Sarah gets pissed at Jiara.

Sarah-woah woah woah wth r u guys doing?
Kiara-well we were waiting for u guys...
JJ-which took a while and we were gonna ditch
Sarah-why?! Just why JJ
Pope John B and Cleo-oooooooo
Sarah-u know what u guys can go...because I've planned for the six of us to do fun stuff before u two get married but I guess u guys act like a married couple lately...just go I don't want to have dinner with u two...
Kiara-look we are very Sry
JJ-yea we are and we wanted to surprise u that we payed for ur hotel rooms...
Kiara-I guess if u don't want us here at dinner then we will just go and make u pay half for ur hotel room and we will pay for John B's behave
JJ-and the amount of times we helped u with ur panic attacks and we get treated like sh.. just unbelievable...mom wouldn't be proud of what ur doing rn...
Cleo-I'm sry Sarah but they're right like they are gonna get married and want some alone time...
Sarah-I'm sry guys it's just I got too overwhelmed and wanted us six to get a weekend getaway
Kiara-sry isn't gonna cut it anymore...let's go JJ!

Jiara walk back to their room to pack up their stuff and head back to OBX.

John B-Sarah...r u ok?!
Sarah-yea whatever, he's my brother, he will forgive me in a few days
Pope-yea they will I think they just want some alone time before the chaos of the wedding happening
Cleo-yup Sarah, Pope is right just give them a few days and btw let's forget about all this rn and enjoy our dinner
Sarah-right...let's just enjoy our dinner!

They enjoy their dinner or at least try to while Jiara are almost back in OBX.

JJ-my sister is such a b*tch
Kiara-Ik and she doesn't understand how we always hang out the six of us like every single week and I just want to be with u some of those times...
JJ-ur with me now and forever!
Kiara-oh heck yea I am!

Jiara get home safely and unpack while the rest of the pouges have a good time trying to forget the Jiara mishap Sarah had with them.

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