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Pope's POV
I woke up at my house well at my parents place since I still live with them and Cleo is in the room downstairs. I just was in shock what Cleo said to me yesterday and I really do like her maybe it isn't just the right time yet and I think we are all just busy with the wedding in July and how our daily life is. Oh shoot I forgot to give my dad the recipe so I quickly ran downstairs to see him sitting on the couch.

Pope-dad, look what I got! (Gives the recipe)
Mr. Heyward-omg son this is amazing thank u! (Hugs Pope)
Pope-anytime father!
(Cleo comes into the room)
Cleo-morning peeps! Oooo breakfast yum! (Goes to the kitchen and makes her breakfast)
Mr. Heyward-well I guess I should go to the restaurant and store this somewhere safe! (Goes to the restaurant)
Pope-about yesterday...
Cleo-as I said Pope ur my best friend and I don't like u like that ok and plus I don't wanna ruin our friendship! We both do care for each other but I think it's not just the right time
Pope-yea I was thinking that too...I think I'm gonna go with my dad to the restaurant
Cleo-ok have fun man!
(Pope runs outside and goes back in)
Cleo-hey what u doing back here?
Pope-u don't think I'm attractive that's why Cleo?!
Cleo-no I don't mean that...
Pope-I think we should just take a break of being friends...(Pope runs outside)
Cleo-no Pope...(cries)
(Mrs. Heyward comes in)
Mrs. Heyward-oh honey are u ok? (Hugs her)
Cleo-I think ur son is heartbroken and told me that we should take a break of being friends and I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet and he isn't either

Pope goes to John B and Sarah's house because he knew seeing Jiara especially with him mad would make him even more mad because of how Kiara didn't want to be dating him and wanted to be friends with him only.

John B's POV
I woke up to a very loud sound and Sarah has awakened next to me because of the loud pounding sound and all I heard was someone crying so we both ran to the door and never believed who we would see...

John B-Pope wth is going on?!
Sarah-why r u crying?!
Pope-am I boyfriend material?!
Sarah and John B-yes u are!
Pope-then why doesn't anyone think of me like that?! (Sits on the couch and cries and John B and Sarah sit next to him)
John B-no no no don't think like that
Sarah-u are definitely a boyfriend material
Pope-what about when Kiara didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore and wanted to be my friend only
John B-what happened with u? U love every relationship
Sarah-yea and u and Cleo are kicking it off
Pope-yea but we both aren't ready for a relationship
John B-so why r u upset?!
Pope-idk why I'm just made me think of how Kiara broke up with me and wanted to be friends
Sarah-ok but now their is no one else she would be crushing on in the's only u and she's waiting for the right time and she might not be ready because she wants to live the life on being a normal human not like how she was in the Bahamas
John B-but u better go apologize to her
Pope-yea I will but can I just stay here for a bit
Pope-I haven't had breakfast yet
John B-we all haven't either
Sarah-ok then let's make some breakfast!

They make some breakfast and chill. Cleo is talking with Mrs. Heyward.

Cleo-I feel like I hurt him but he also doesn't want to be in a relationship so it's a pretty weird situation
Mrs. Heyward-don't worry he'll get over it, it might take him some time but he'll get over it
Cleo-thank u ma'am for comforting me and thank u for taking me in as a daughter
Mrs. Heyward-awww honey ur like family to us now and family stays together forever!
(They both hug)

Meanwhile back with Pope, John B, and Sarah.

Sarah-hey how r u feeling?
Pope-I'm doing much better, thank u for the food guys!
John B-anytime for a pouge!
Sarah-pouges always help each other out! (They all smile)
Pope-and pouges never leave each other behind...ok gotta go apologize to Cleo rn because I'm sure she is upset and pouges don't do that to each other!
John B-just always have the pouge mentality!
Sarah-I mean we all should have it!
Pope-yup anyways bye guys!
(Pope leaves)

Sarah gets a notification.

Sarah-omg I won the contest!
John B-what contest??
John B-hold up lemme see (grabs Sarah's phone) you told me that you never did this....
Sarah-well are u mad?
John B-yea because you could've told me...
Sarah-well I was going to
John B-u weren't gonna tell me that u won like we always wanted a dog but I feel like now isn't the right time...(John B goes into the room and closes the door hardly)
Sarah-wtf did I do?! (Cries and Topper comes in) ummmmm Topper wtf r u doing here?!
Topper-I want to k*ll u
Sarah-no no no plz don't John B!!!! (She cries out his name and John B comes out of the room and starts punching Topper because Topper was choking Sarah)
John B- f u Topper!!
Topper-ur such a brat!!!!
(Sarah coughs)
John B-Sarah r u ok?!
Sarah-yea just give me a second

The police come and Sarah and John B tell them what Topper did.

Shoupe-well Topper, ur going to jail
Topper-I can't because my grandfather is the judge
Shoupe-well that doesn't count and ur going to jail
Sarah-thank u sm officer he literally made me choke to death and wanted to k*ll me
Shoupe-well I'll let his grandfather know what happened
John B and Sarah-thank u!
(The police leave with Topper)

John B-I feel like a guilty person rn
Sarah-no no no it's ok I didn't even think that this would happen
John B-but it should've been me not u, ME!
Sarah-well he wanted to k*ll me
John B-he would've done that to me too
Sarah-anyways I'm rlly sry for not telling u that I got into the contest
John B-and I'm sry for getting all pissed at u for a stupid thing
Sarah-and plus the dog is gonna go to a family with kids that love dogs!
John B-that's super nice of u to do and plus they would appreciate the dog!
Sarah-and I think we would be too busy to take care of a dog because u know how our life is (they both laugh a lil and they make out)

With Pope and Cleo.

Pope-Yo Cleo I'm super sry for my actions this morning it's just that I got too much feelings in myself
Cleo-Pope it's totally ok we all go through alot these days plus I'm glad that u are back and happy!
Pope-thx Cleo and plus pouges don't do this to each other!
Cleo-P4L! (They do the handshake and hug)

With Jiara.

Kiara-eavesdropping was unexpected today
JJ-yea especially when Topper was at Jarah's place
Kiara-and when Pope was pissed at Cleo
JJ-but they all apologized
Kiara-remember our arguments?!
JJ-yea let's not go there, they will see us cmon let's go surfing! (They hold hands and leave as quickly as possible so that none see that they were spying)

Meanwhile with John B and Sarah after the Topper situation.

John B-r u better?
Sarah-yea just a bit traumatized but better (kisses his cheek)
John B-let's just chill today
Sarah-yea let's watch Netflix!
John B-u thinking what I'm thinking?!
Sarah and John B-Fuller House!!
Sarah-Steejay for ever!
John B-Matt kinda sucks but is better with Gia
Sarah-definitely oh and the wedding in July would be
John B and Sarah-Gibbler Style!!! (They both laugh)

So John B and Sarah watch Fuller House. Pope and Cleo forgave each other. And Jiara eavesdropped and are surfing but they saw a person that needed help...

The person-help someone plz help me! (Screams)
Kiara-ummm JJ we should go help!
JJ-yea let's go!
(They go up to the person and know who the person is)
JJ-wtf happened to u? Who did this?
Wheezie-Topper shot me and I tried walking to Sarah's place but I saw u two and just stopped
Kiara-ok we gotta take u to a hospital
JJ-we will help u walk to the car
Wheezie-but what about Sarah, she needs to know!!
Kiara-first we have to get u to a hospital and then I'll call Sarah from there
(They try to rush over to the car. Wheezie is sitting in the back while Jiara is in the front)
Kiara-drive faster plz!
JJ-ok I'm going the speed limit!
Wheezie-ouch I'm in pain!! (Cries)
Kiara-it's gonna be alright...

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