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John B's POV
My wife was freaking out because it has been hours and they still haven't told us why the flight got delayed. Since she was panicking I texted Jiara and told them not to pick us up since our flight got delayed and they insisted on calling them right when we are getting off the plane so that they can pick us up since the airport is about 10min away from their house. The speaker just went on.

Flight Attendant-Flight to OBX is cancelled, please go grab ur luggages and find another flight, we will give u all free tickets for ur flight that u choose of, thank u again for waiting here for the past couple of hours and we apologize for our cancellation of ur flight.

Sarah-ok babe let's go get our suitcase and head to the check in area
John B-ok but babe, just know that ur not alone ok?
Sarah-yea I do get's just that I get panicky at these kinds of stuff
John B-ok babe! (Smiles)

They grab their suitcase and head back to the check in area to get a new flight back to OBX.

Worker-hello how May I help u both?
Sarah-hi so our flight to OBX got cancelled and we have free tickets since it got delayed for a couple of hours
Worker-well then let me see what we have available for OBX

The worker checks to see if they have available flights.

Worker-umm as of rn we don't have any flights till next year...we can maybe book a flight for u guys to Atlanta or even go Charleston
John B-ok we will go to Charleston
Worker-great so let me see those tickets and ur ID's as well as ur passports too

They give everything for the worker to see and they catch the next flight out to Charleston...that flight to Charleston was the next day at around 6pm London Time.

Worker-this is the earliest we can get u guys in a flight is this ok?
Jarah-yes it is
Worker-and here is a coupon to our hotel right next door for u both to stay at for the night
Jarah-thank u!

They go to the hotel and grab their pajamas out and wear it as they will only wear their pajamas the next day for the flight and do some in room dining and watch a movie in their hotel room. Sarah texted Jiara and told them the situation and they were totally ok with it. Jarah go to sleep since they are very exhausted from this London trip.

The next day at 6pm.

Sarah-finally we are in our flight back to my hometown!
John B-that's right u were born there
Sarah-mmmhmmm all the Kooks were actually and then raised in OBX, my other hometown but that's not an important discussion rn
John B-good thing is that we are sitting next to each other
Sarah-well yea that's the good thing

The flight goes up into the air and they are headed to Charleston.

7 hours later...

They arrive to Charleston and grab their suitcase as they think of a way on how to get back to OBX.

John B-how about this we look to see how much the flight would be to go back today
Sarah-ok I'm checking the cheapest

Sarah checks on her phone.

Sarah-all are not nonstop flights and they go out of the Carolina's...why don't we just drive back it would be cheaper plus we can drop it off at the car rental place there
John B-that is a better plan because the small ones are 50 dollars a day
Sarah-ok let's go to the car rental area

They go to the rental area.

Worker-hello I may I help u both?
John B-we need to rent a car
Worker-did u guys order the car rental online?
Sarah-we didn't because our flight to OBX in London got cancelled and they only had flights to Charleston so we weren't able to book it online
Worker-ok and I'm guessing a sedan right?
Worker-ok and drop off in OBX rental car place?
John B-yes
Worker-ok and who will be driving?
Sarah-I'll drive since I slept most of the way in the plane
Worker-ok give me ur ID

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