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Sarah's POV
John B, Kie and I are in the ultrasound room ready to see my baby. I can't believe that this is happening. The doc is coming in rn.

The doc comes in.

Doc-The Routeledges right?
Jarah-that's us!
Doc-and ur here as well Kiara!
Kiara-yup I am!
Doc-ok so let's start this ultrasound!
Sarah-great! (Smiles)

The doc does the ultrasound and something happens.

Doc-ummmm their is a problem...
John B-I'm guessing it's bad
Doc-well ur baby doesn't have a heart beat...I'm sry but u r having a miscarriage Mrs. Routledge

Both Jarah start to cry and Kie goes and comforts them.

Kiara-can u see if it's accurate?!
Doc-I checked a few times and yes it's true...I'm sry for ur loss Mr. And Mrs. Routledge, but u will have to have surgery ASAP because it will be unhealthy for u
John B-ok but can u give us like 5min?

The doc leaves the room.

Sarah-why did this had to happen again

Sarah cries like crazy.

Kiara-wdym by again????
John B-she had one when we went missing remember
Kiara-omg I'm so sry this happened to u guys

Kiara hugs them both.

John B-but we are going through this together babe!
Sarah-yes we are and I think our time will come for sure
John B-it sure will babe!

They kiss on the lips.

Kiara-what about the surgery?
Sarah-ok imma do it today...get the doc back in!

The doc comes back in and nurses come in as well and the nurses wheel her to the surgery room John B follows them as well but Kie can't go in with them because she is not the husband or the child's father. Jarah completely forget that Kie went with them and she realizes once they have left the room. Kie walks home since it is about a 10min walk and during her walk back she starts to cry because she feels very bad for her closest friends. Halfway through her walk she runs into her husband and daughter aka JJ and Janelle walking with JJ carrying Janelle. Kie is still crying because of what happened.

JJ-babe what happened why r u crying?!
Kiara-they got into another miscarriage (cries)
JJ-sh.. not again...
Kiara-Ik I feel very bad for them
JJ-well then why did u walk? Didn't u go with them?
Kiara-I did but they forgot and I realized once they left the room to do the surgery to get the baby out
JJ-that's so sad

Kiara cries a bit more, JJ comforts her, hugs her and kisses her and Janelle starts to cry as well because she is very tired but giggles when Jiara kiss.

Kiara-her giggles make me happy and also being with my family and I'm very grateful that we got to have Janelle
JJ-yes I'm very grateful for u two sm and I love u both sm (smiles)
Kiara-awwwww I love u both as well babe and princess! (Smiles)

They both kiss on the lips and walk back home where Kie puts Janelle to bed and Jiara hang in the living room watching Netflix.

Back with Jarah at the hospital.

John B-u can do this babe!

John B kisses Sarah's forehead.

Sarah-thank u sm babe and thank u for being by my side during these rough times! (Smiles)
John B-their is the smile I've been waiting to see! (Smiles)
Doc-ok it's time to do the surgery
John B-u ready?
Sarah-yea I'm ready!

An hour later the surgery went by smoothly and the doc took the baby out and they got to hold the tiny baby for a few min before the doc took the baby away.

Sarah-wow we did it!
John B-and u know the right time will come
Sarah-Ik but I feel like we should go on a vacation just us two
John B-how about we go to Miami
Sarah-that sounds good

They smile at each other and the doc comes in.

Doc-u two are good to go, again I'm sry for ur loss
John B-it's ok, thank u doc!
Sarah-thank u doc!

They leave the hospital and head back home to relax.

Sarah-I'm actually not ready yet because I wanna enjoy my life with u, the pouges, and my niece as well...I wanna go on vacations with u, I wanna hang with my friends, I just want to live my life to the fullest and plus we are 20yr olds and still young and look Jiara are both 21yr olds which makes them officially adults but they were ready to have a baby and me, u, Pope, and Cleo are still 20 and young to not have kids yet which is totally ok
John B-babe I totally agree with u and I wanna live my life to the fullest with u babe! (Smiles)
Sarah-cmon let's book our Miami trip!

They book their trip to Miami.

John B-we will have a kid but when u are ready, I am ready
Sarah-thx babe for supporting me
John B-I will always support u!

They kiss on the lips again and watch a movie together.

The next morning Jiara and Janelle sneak into Jarah's house and make them breakfast. In Jarah's room.

Sarah-I smell food
John B-me too...whose in the house?!

They both run to the kitchen/living room area and see Kie in the kitchen and JJ and Janelle on the couch.

Sarah-what r u guys doing here?!
John B-wow free breakfast! Thank u!
Sarah-y'all didn't have to do this!
Kiara-but we wanted to and plus u guys have been upset lately
JJ-yea we don't like seeing u two upset so might as well surprise u guys with breakfast!
Jarah-thank u sm!
Kiara-cmon guys, sit down relax and eat ur breakfast!

They have breakfast together and Jarah thank them sm for doing this to them especially after the surgery and heartbreaking news that happened the day before. Jarah told Jiara that they just want to have a fun life of being just married for a little bit longer and that they weren't ready for a kid yet and we're happy with what they had in their life rn.

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