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The pouges got invited to go to Vidcon and talk about their life as pouges who founded the gold in El Dorado. They head out to California, where the Vidcon is happening that weekend. Pope and Cleo meet them in California and they all have a nice dinner together the night before Vidcon.

Kiara-I can't wait for all the fans to meet us because they seem pretty sweet!
JJ-and they'll see how our life is outside of finding the gold
Pope-true and they'll see how we do stupid stuff especially u John B with ur broken leg
John B-well we do stupid stuff
Sarah-and it's very cute!
Cleo-well it's stupidly funny

They all laugh.

Kiara-LA is super crowded
John B-well it ain't like OBX that's for sure
Pope-Bahamas is pretty ok like not too much people
JJ-usually restaurants aren't as packed in OBX
Cleo-I like how restaurants r sooo chill
Sarah-same it just makes the place less echoey
Kiara-anyways how r the two happily engaged?!?!
Cleo-well I'm doing good and I absolutely love this ring and the guy who gave it to me as well (smiles)
Pope-I'm doing good as well knowing that Cleo will be my wife (smiles)
The rest-awwwww!

They have their food and pay for their food. Jarah and Pope and Cleo stay for drinks while Jiara go back to their hotel room since Janelle is backed up on her sleep because of the time change.

The next day they all decide to do their own things in the morning and the couples meet up at Vidcon (Janelle is with Jiara).

They meet a lot of fans and take pics with them and now it's time for them to talk on the stage.

Announcer-Ladies and Gentlemen the Pouges!

The Pouges come out and as they come out they wave to the fans. JJ is carrying Janelle and they all sit by their significant others and Janelle is on JJ's lap.

The fans-Janelle is soooo cute! (They all shout happily)
Jiara-thank u!!!!
Cleo-y'all are cute as well!
Sarah-we gave the best fans don't we?!

All the pouges agree.

John B-and we'd love to answer ur questions that are in this bowl
Pope-and u guys will get to hear every single of our answers and we cannot deny to not do the question
JJ-plus it would be rlly boring
Kiara-we want to spice it up especially with our lovely fans!

The fans all shout with happiness.

Sarah-how about we start!
Cleo-who do y'all want to grab out the first question from this bowl?!?!
The fans-JANELLE!!!! (They all shout happily)
JJ-well I guess we have a winner!
Kiara-ok I have to video this!

Kiara grabs her phone and takes a vid as Janelle sticks her hand into the bowl and grabs a question with JJ's help.

JJ-ok now I'll read the question...this is for Sarah...Does Sarah have any secret kook boyfriends?!
Sarah-what noooo I don't talk I'm married to John B!

Sarah smiles happily as she shows her ring on her hand.

Kiara-Sarah should grab the next question since the question Janelle got was for her
John B-I think the person the last question was for will read the next question
Pope-that seems fair
The fans-yesssss!

Sarah grabs the next question.

Sarah-Who is the parent of the group? So their are two ppl in this group who are currently parents as you all know...and imma say that they are the most parent in this group!
Kiara-especially when it comes to Janelle and my husband as well (smiles at JJ)
JJ-and we always make sure she is healthy, eats, drinks her milk, and sleeps at the correct times
The fans-awwwwwwww
Kiara-ok so I'll read the next question

Kiara grabs out the next question.

Kiara-Are Pope and Cleo dating or friends? Well I'll let them answer that for u all!

They all look at Pope and Cleo.

Pope-well we do have a secret!
Cleo-and that is...we're engaged!!

Cleo shows her ring on her hand and Pope kisses her cheek.

The fans-shippppppp!!!
Cleo-I'll do the next one!

Cleo grabs the question.

Cleo-so this is for Jarah...How did it feel to lose ur fathers on the same day? Did it cause problems for ur relationship?
Sarah-well we both understood each other and were grieving our loss for the same person in our family which was the father figure
John B-we did have breakdowns but we went through it together and it was pretty hard on the both of us but we still kept our happy faces but also remembered the moments we had with our matter what happens in life just be the happiest u can be! I'll read the next question

John B grabs the next question.

John B-this is for Pope...What kind of professor do u want to be?
Pope-well I'm working on wanting to be a professor for science in the Bahamas where Cleo and I currently live...I'll read the next question

Pope grabs the next question.

Pope-ok this is for the the fans wanna know when y'all conceived Janelle

The fans chuckle at that question.

JJ-do u guys wanna know?!?!
Kiara-we haven't even told the pouges about this yet so should we surprise them as well?!?!
The fans-yessssss!!
Jiara-Janelle was conceived on our honeymoon!!!
Sarah and Cleo-awwww honeymoon baby!!!
John B-woah they spilled the tea to all of were y'all's reactions to that?
Pope-shout loud if u guys were shocked

They all shout loud and happily.

Sarah-well sadly our time on this stage is up but u guys can always meet us at our booth!
Cleo-we loved answering ur questions!
JJ-and y'all know that u guys have a special place in our hearts especially in Janelle's!
Kiara-u guys are the best fan base and are the sweetest fan base ever!!!
John B-till next time Vidcon stage!

They wave a goodbye to all the fans and head to their booth where they were doing meet and greets with the fans.

A few hours later they all go to dinner after a hectic day at Vidcon.

Kiara-Vidcon was fun!!!!
JJ-yea never knew we'd get invited to these things!
Pope-yea...this makes us better than the kooks!
Cleo-Pouges rule for sure!
John B-and I'm sure those kooks are angry at how we are the famous and better ones!

They enjoy their night in California and head back to OBX the next day. Pope and Cleo head back to the Bahamas because they have to start planning their wedding and they want to do it in the Bahamas.

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