33. Daylight

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Red /Otto Hightower out now!

"Flee bottom is best experienced in the daylight." Jae remarked. "And with protection." Sansa nodded holding onto his hand as they walked. "Lemon tarts? I think I remember the place that sells some sweets." 

"That would be wonderful." Sansa remembered the last time they were down here, together like this... her father was alive. Jae saw the sadness wash over her and he gave her a side hug pulling her closer, she gave him a small smile. 

"Come on, sweets fix everything while you are eating them." Jae assured. 

''do you swear to me, on what?' Tyrion questioned.

'On my life' Lancel declared.

''But I don't care about your life.' Tyrion told him honestly.

'By the light of the seven but all that is holy and right I am Lancel Lannister-'

'All right enough, even torturing you is boring. Oh and Lancel do tell Bronn if anything is to happen to me he is to kill you.'' Tyrion told him as he stumbled out of the crate.

'If anything is to happen to Lord Tyrion kill me.' Lancel said to Bronn.

'It would be my pleasure,' Bronn said as he ran away.

"This is wonderful, you spoil me Jae." Sansa remarked. 

"You deserve to be spoiled." Jae assured as she licked the icing from her lips. 

"How are you so confident?" Sansa questioned. "I'm a nervous mess."

"You are a beautiful mess." Jae corrected and Sansa blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. "But you are not a mess, you have been through too much." 

"So how do you do it? Be so fearless?" 

"I'm not fearless, just got a good put on my brave face look." Jae corrected. "You see this face?"

"Its a handsome face." Sansa whispered. 

"Thank you," Jae answered her finger touched his as they walked and she wanted to hold his hand. "But this face is a good actor and terrified of the future too." 

"Terrified?"  Sansa questioned. Jae grabbed her hand. 

"Your father used to say something about a lone wolf, you remember it?" Jae questioned. 

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives." Sansa answered. 

"Thats the one." Jae agreed. "Your father was part of my pack, or rather I was part of his pack and losing him although he wasnt my blood like he was yours. But it scared me on whats to come."  Jae admitted. 

"You scared, that terrifies me." Sansa laughed out holding tight to his hand. 

"I'm scared of losing you too." Jae remarked. Sansa stared dreamily up at him. "I'm going to do everything I can to keep you safe, keep you close." 

''Stannis has more ships more fleets more armies than we have... what do we have?' Tyrion asked as they walked.

''That mind of yours that everyone keeps talking about?'' Bronn suggested

'I've never been actually able to kill anyone with my mind.' Tyrion reminded him.

'good thing or else I would be out of the job.' Bronn remarked. 'What about your father?' Bronn suggested.

'He hasn't sent a raven in weeks he is humiliated at being repeatedly humiliated by Robb stark.' Tyrion told him. 'we won't be able to hold the city not with the way joffrey-' Tyrion began but a speaker shouting, preaching in the streets caught his attention.


"What's this?" Sansa questioned. 

"Looks like we are in for a show." Jae remarked pulling Sansa to his chest not knowing how this was going to turn out, people could start civil and turn monstrous in a moment. 

'we reap what we sow and it is foul.' The man shouted 'Brother going to bed with sister, in the bed of kings and we are surprised that the fruit of incest is rotten?' A man shouted his people rallying around him. 'A rotten king!'

'Yes a rotten King!" the crowd agreed. Sansa chuckled, she knew it wasnt ladylike she was supposed to love Joffrey but she hated him. She savored Jae's warmth as he tipped his head into hers, his arms laced around her chest hugging her back to him. Sansa trapped his arms around her, her hands resting on top of his forearms. 

'Hard to argue with his assessment.' Tyrion agreed.

'After what he did to your birthday present...' Bronn remarked

'the king is a lost cause, it is the rest of us I am worried about now,' Tyrion told them.

'To a twisted demon monkey!' the man went on

'You have to admire his imagination' Tyrion said a small grin on his face as he listened to the man ridicule his elder sister.

'he is talking about you they think you are pulling the kings strings' Bronn informed him.

'Blame me? I'm trying to save them.' Tyrion reminded him.

'You don't need to connive me. ' Bronn told him.

'Demon monkey?'

"Come on, we should head back," Jae remarked. Sansa didnt want to leave this cozy spot though, safe in Jae's arms. But his arms fell from her and he extended a hand. She beamed back at him grabbing his hand, their fingers interlaced and it felt like such a simple gesture yet so intimate. 


Jae was a good guy. It was known. It was loudly praised, Jae Gatsby was a good guy. But he didnt feel like a good guy, he felt knots in his stomach as he watched the princess Myrcella sail off. 

"May the seven guide the princess on her journey, may the crown give her wisdom, may the warrior give her courage...''

'One day I pray you love someone. I pray you love her so much when you close your eyes you see her face. I want that for you I want you to know what it's like to love someone. To truly love someone. Before I take her from you.' cersei told Tyrion calmly as they watched Myrcella sail away to dorne. Tyrion looked back at Cersei for a moment before turning to Bronn and heading off.  Joffrey scoffed at the sight of his little brother crying

'I saw you cry' sansa said softly.

''What did you say?' Joffrey sneered at her

'My little brother cried when I left for Winterfell.' Sansa corrected.


''It seems normal thing' sansa told him.

'Is your little brother Prince?' Joffrey remarked.

'No' Sansa told him slowly.

'Then it really isn't relevant then.' Joffrey told her.

"Real men know how to express their feelings, dont bottle them up and this is hard, for anyone." Jae added. "Your mother included." Joffrey glanced to his teary mother. 

"Women are weak and so is Tommen." Joffrey decided before walking away. Cersei had tears running down her own face, as she watched her daughter sail off. Sansa knew that Cersei was evil too but seeing her so broken made her feel just the slightest bit sorry for her. Jae moved to Cersei kneeling before her. Cersei met his gaze as he held out both hands, palms up. Cersei put her hands in his. She nodded holding tight to his hands like a lifeline as the tears fell down her cheeks.

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