18. Lemon Tarts

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"Jae are you sure about this?" Sansa questioned as they moved through town.

"You are to live here, dont you want to know whats down here?" Jae countered. Sansa shrugged holding tighter to Jae's hand.

"Jory, I can't find Arya anywhere." Ned remarked. "And sansa... where did she run off to?"

"She was with lord Gatsby." Jory answered. 

"Good, send out the guard, I need to find Arya, she has been missing since the tourney." Ned instructed. 

"You hungry?" Jae questioned. 

"A bit." Sansa agreed. 

"I find that when-" my tremors of the war that was come back to bite me in the ass making me relive the rebellion and the friends lost and murdered right in front of me like when Gregor chops horses heads clean off... Jae thought before relaxing his jaw and smiling back at sansa. "-when I need a bit of comfort, sense of home and safety, I need to eat something really delicious." 

"Really?" Sansa questioned. 

"Yes. Best way to get the mind off whatever is clouding thoughts." Jae agreed.  "Is to get something in your belly."

"I am at your mercy." Sansa agreed, she kept her hand hooked on his lower bicep as they walked. He was perfect, she didnt want Joffrey anymore, she didnt think she ever did. Didnt think she ever would. 

"Sweets? YOu like sweets Sansa?" Jae questioned. "They have lemon tarts."

"Those are my favorite." Sansa declared. 

"We will take the tray full." jae remarked slapping some coin down. "A midnight snack." Jae remarked and Sansa gaped back at him. She took a bite moaning at the taste. "Good?" She nodded holding hers out for him, he took a bite and she took another bite it would be the closest she would ever get to kissing Jae, sharing the same tart, bite for bite.

Calm as still water, Arya told herself. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine.

"Found one bastard." one said. "the rest will come soon. A day or two days a fortnight.."

"And when he leans the truth, what will he do?" a second voice asked.

"The gods alone know." the first answered and arya held her breath. "The fools tried to kill his son, and whats wrong they made a mummers farce of it. He's not a man to put that aside. I warn you, the wold and the lion will soon be at each others throats, whether we will it or no."

"Too soon, too soon." the second man countered. "What good is a war now We are not ready. Delay."

"As well bid me stop time. do you take me for a wizard?"

"No less." he agreed with a chuckle.

"We should head back, its getting dark and I dont think I told your father I was stealing you." Jae remarked. Sansa nodded leaning into him. 

"I had fun with you today." Sansa remarked her fingers finding her daisy chain and tracing her finger over the little petals. 

"I had fun with you too." Jae agreed. "We should do this again." 

"Tomorrow?" Sansa offered hopefully. 

"Whenever you wish." Jae agreed pressing a kiss to her temple and sansa felt butterflies rushing up her core. 

Arya had found a cat, a tom cat, she was excited, she was quick and light on her feet, but it scratched at her trying to get away and then she stumbled upon a clearly private conversation but she couldnt move, if she did she would be caught. She had to just sit and hope they left her alone and didnt see her at all.

"What would you have me do?"

"If one hand can die, why not a second?"

That made Arya's heart race.

"You have danced the dance before, my friend."

"before it not now, and this hand is not the other."

Still as stone, quiet as a shadow, Arya thought to herself.

"Nonetheless, we must have time. the princess is with child. the Khal will not bestir himself until a son is born. You know they are savages."

"This is no longer a game for two platers if ever it was." The short man countered. "you should hear the whispers."

"You have to help me eat another one of these." Jae remarked when they got to his chambers. "Or you need to take these to your chambers." Sansa quickly followed him in. She knew that being in a mans chambers at night would be seen as scandalous but everyone knew that Jae was the most respectable man, they would never question his intentions even though Sansa wished so badly for him to kiss her, really kiss her. 

Jae was with sansa all evening only when Arya ran from Jory and pushed open Jae's door did he see the state of her. 

"Arya what happened?" Jae declared. 

"Someone is after my father! He's not taking it seriously- ohh food." Arya remarked shoving a lemon tart in her mouth. 

"Father is in danger?" Sansa questioned. 

"arya start from the beginning, what happened?" Jae agreed. 

"It's about your wife my lord." Yoren remarked. Ned stared back at him, what did Catelyn do now? "She has taken the imp." 

"Fucks sake." Ned muttered. 

"I know what I heard." Arya declared. Ned had to find Jae, he had a good head on his shoulders he would know what to do. 

"Jae," Ned said with a knock to not only find Sansa but Arya both in Jaes chambers. ned smiled softly as he came in closing the door. 

"Hey, sorry, Arya was wiped out and sansa helped her get ready, she was in a fret and I worried about her being alone." Jae whispered. "Said they could stay here, I would take the couch, keep an eye on them and you." 

"Thank you, you are a good friend." 

"What happened Ned?" 

"Catelyn took Tyrion Lannister. 

"What? Why?" Jae countered. 

"She thinks  he attacked Bran."

"Tyrion wouldnt do that. Why would he do such a thing?" Jae countered. 

"I dont know what she was thinking." Ned agreed. "She is going to get us all killed."

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