21. Scars

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You signed up for this / Jaime Lannister
End of Youth / Tommen Baratheon out now!

"You know when you first met me, I got this scar." Jae remarked. "You saved my life and I was blubbering like a baby." Ned chuckled. "I felt like I had been cut in two and you told me old sport you can't start crying, you are the best of us. If you cry, I cry and no one wants to see an old fart like me crying."

"I... I remember that." Ned remarked. "Gods it was forever ago." then Ned realized. "Old sport. I called you old sport."

"I liked it, it was... calming and... then it became my little inside joke, made me think of the man that saved my life." Jae remarked.

"I knew you coming to the capital-"

"I wanted to come." Jae assured.

"You do better in more isolated areas." Ned remarked. "War, it was triggering for all of us but you were just a kid, you saw things I pray my children never have to see."

"You have to be okay Ned." Jae begged. "You are the last person alive besides Benjen that knows me, the me I was before."

"I want you to take the girls to the manor." Ned remarked. "I will handle what needs to be handled. I want them safe. I know they are safe with you." Jae nodded.

"And what about you?" Jae countered.

"Just protect my girls, protect Sansa." Ned requested. 

"I dont want to go to winterfell." Sansa admitted that night as she slowly packed up. "You think maybe we could go to your manor instead?" 

"I think I could convince your father of that." Jae agreed Sansa smiled touching the little daisy necklace around her neck she had yet to take it off. 

Jae chuckled watching her finger the little flower. 


''They butchered them as if they were animals they covered our children and pigs and let them on fire. They weren't thieves they didn't steal nothing they even left something behind your grace.''

''He is the king's hand you are addressing not the king' Pycelle said 'the king is hunting.' The man stepped forward dumping out a bag filled with fish.

''Fish... they sigil of house Tully.' Petyr noted. 'Isn't that your wife's house Tully?' Petyr knowing full well it was with a smug look on his face. Jae glanced to Petyr and back to Ned. No doubt the Lannisters were making their hatred known. 

'These men were they flying a banner?'

'No you're... Hand. the Man leading them was taller than any man by at least a foot taller than any man I've ever met,' the man told Ned. 'the blacksmiths saw them take the head off the horse with a single swing of her sword.'

'That sounds like someone we know. The mountain.' Petyr clarified.

'You are describing ser Gregor Clegane.' Ned confirmed.

'Why would ser Gregor turn though he is an honored knight?' Pyselle asked.

"Tywin's mad dog." Jae whispered and Ned locked eyes with him, nodding. 

''I heard him called Tywin Lannister's mad dog.' Petyr told them 'I'm sure you have as well. Can you think of any reason the lannisters might be angry with your wife?''

"Arya you shouldnt be here." Jae whispered. 

"I know," Arya admitted with a shrug. 

"Come on, your father wouldnt want you in here." Jae remarked trying to usher her out. 

"They are talking about mother, because she took the imp." Arya remarked. 

"Come on." Jae requested. 

''If the Lannister's were to order an attack under the kings protection it would be-' Pycelle said cautiously.

'It would be almost as brazen as attacking the hand of the king in the streets.' Petyr informed him.

''I cannot give you back your homes or restore your livestock but perhaps I can give you justice in the name of our King Robert. Lord Beric Dondarrion. You should have the command send 100 men and ride to Ser Gregor Clegane.'' Ned stood up cane in hand, taking shaky steps forward. His gaze shifted to Jae and Arya heading out. 

"Are you packed up?" jae questioned. 

"No, I dont want to go." Arya remarked. "I want to stay. I want to... I want to keep training." Arya admitted. "I can't do that back home, mother will never allow it." 

"I know," Jae agreed. "But what if we didnt go to winterfell just yet." 

"What do you mean?" Arya countered. 

"The manor?" jae offered. 

"Really?" Arya declared. "We could go? You convinced father?"

"It was his idea, after all this time of trying to convince him, he thinks its a good idea." Jae agreed. 

''In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon the first of his name king of the Andals and the first man lord of the seven kingdoms and the protector of the realm I charge you to bring the kings justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared his crimes. I denounce him I detained him I strip him of all ranks and titles of all lands and holdings and sentenced him to death,' Ned said confidently.

"I will get packing!" Arya declared running down the hall. 

"Lord Gatsby." 

"Septa mordane." Jae answered turning around. 

"Arya hasnt been at lessons, I take it you are behind it?" Mordane questioned, Jae feigned ignorance. He brought a hand to his heart. 

"You wound me, I know how much Arya loves her lessons." Jae corrected. 

''My Lord this is a drastic action.' Pycelle informed him, 'it would be better to wait for King Roberts return.''

''Send a raven the castlery rock, master pycelle, inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his Bannerman. He will arrive within the Fortnight or we branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.' Ned informed them, he nodded to Beric and he was off.

"Your lessons maybe more than mine." Mordane corrected. 

"I'm taking the girls on a trip." Jae informed her. Mordane shook her head tsking already. "It was neds idea and I am an honorable man, I assure you. The girls are safe with me but if you wanted to come with there is more than enough room at the manor." Jae assured. 

''A bold move my lord and admirable.' Petyr said 'but is it wise to yank the lions tail he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms?' Petyr smirked 'Gold wins wars not soldiers' Petyr added

''Then how come Robert is King? And not Tywin Lannister?' Ned questioned.

"A trip to the manor?" Mordane questioned as Ned came out. 

"Your septa didnt trust me alone with the girls." Jae remarked teasingly. 

"I am going to the manor." Mordane declared heading off. 

"You just made her day," Ned chuckled. "Did you tell Arya and Sansa?"

"Arya ran to get packed, ran."

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