44. Ghostly Hearts

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"You look stunning." Jae remarked. He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man. 

"Marriage to the wrong man." Sansa remarked softly.  The doors pushed open and her whole body slumped. Jae pulled the doors closed again blocking her from sight. Sansa's sad eyes stared back at him. 

Jae brought a hand to her cheek and kissed the corner of her lips, tasting her tears. The door swung open again and Jae turned around offering Sansa his arm. 

"I love you," Jae whispered as her hand wrapped around his lower bicep, never wanting to let go. 

 'What are you doing?' Sansa questioned as Joffrey came up offering his arm. He shoved Jae out of the way, at least tried to but Jae wasnt a weakling. 

'Your father is dead and I am the king so I'm everyone's father.' Joffrey said gripping onto her arm. "Move it Gatsby." Jae looked to Sansa. She gave the slightly bit of a nod and he let her go taking his seat. 

Wow, ned would be proud of him now, surely. Not only had he lost Arya but Sansa was wedding Tyrion and jae couldnt do anything to stop it. To help her, to save her. 

"You know Joffrey it is said that I might marry your mother, that would make me your father and therefore-" Jae declared. "I think I am more suited for this... privilege." 

"I think not. move." Joffrey demanded but Sansa clung to Jae's side. "Do you want to challenge me? YOur king?" Joffrey demanded. 

"I also think that it is in bad taste for the king to stoop so low as to grovel for his former betrothed's hand, your grace." Jae added. "I understand, Joffrey," Jae assured. 

"What do you understand?" Joffrey countered confused. 

"Sansa is a beautiful young woman, Margaery seems nice enough but you have a past, a history with Sansa." jae remarked, Sansa didnt know what he was doing or talking about. "No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart... some flames may never be extingusted."

"I don't want her." Joffrey sneered. 

"Wonderful, then I shall do the honors, I'm glad we could come to this arrangement your grace, you are so generous." Jae agreed. Joffrey like he won but was also very confused. He walked down the aisle alone. Joffrey marched up the steps taking the stool from the stage for Tyrion to stand on. He threw them aside and Tyrion groaned as if this wasnt bad enough. 

''Thank you." Sansa whispered as they walked the aisle. She tried to be brave. 

"I wish I could stop this.' Jae remarked he pressed a kiss to her hand before helping her up the steps of the sept. Joffrey smiled wickedly as Jae took his seat. 

"Have you given it any thought?'' Tywin questioned. 

"What?" Jae questioned softly, sansa's gaze kept shifting to him during the ceremony. 

"Marriage." Tywin remarked. 

"I havent." Jae remarked. "I have been... busy." 

When it was time to cloak Sansa with Tyrion's protection he looked awkwardly up at her not able to reach her shoulders everyone laughed but the snigger died quickly as Tywin shot them a glare.

"Yes of course with the royal wedding everyone is busy." Tywin agreed, he looked to Cersei she was running her hand through Tommen's hair. 

''If you could,' Tyrion said and sansa knelt down before him. He cloaked her she rose and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips very awkwardly Sansa looked like she was going to barf, pale and in pain her heart pounding with anxiety and nerves. Jae watched her as she practically ran back down the aisle. He failed, he didnt protect her. Ned would be cursing him from beyond the veil of death. 

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