17. Traumatic

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"I wonder where Ned went." Jae remarked looking around. "This is his tourney, whether he wanted it or not." 

"I'm going to be late for my lessons." Arya mumbled. 

"You are always at your lessons." Sansa remarked. 

"I want to be the best." Arya snapped. 

"At dancing? Who is going to dance with you?" Sansa countered. 

"Maybe you need lessons, your betrothed is staring at you. More like glaring." Arya hissed.

"Times like these I'm glad I'm an only child." Jae remarked. 

"Lover's quarrel?" Petyr remarked coming up to Sansa.

"I'm sorry. Do I...?" Sansa looked him over confused.

"Sansa, this is Lord Baelish." Jae remarked. Sansa took a hesitant step back into Jae though and he brought a protective hand to her back. Jae knew that Ned didnt like Petyr. 

"An old friend of the family. I've known your mother a long long time." Petyr offered.

"Why do they call you Littlefinger?" Arya interrupted.

"Arya!" Sansa declared, Arya shrugged. "Don't be rude!" Jae chuckled softly though.  

"No, it's quite all right. When I was a child I was very small and I come from a little spit of land called The Fingers, so you see, it's an exceedingly clever nickname." Petyr explained and Arya wasn't impressed.

"I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust before I piss myself!" Robert demanded. 

"Come on ladies, lets get a seat." Jae suggested. 

"Lessons, bye!" Arya corrected running off. 

"Just you and me." Sansa offered sitting smashed next to Jae. 

"And me." Petyr agreed sitting behind them. Sansa spared him an awkward smile. 

 'I thought we might put what happened on the Kings Road behind us,' Cersei offered 'the argument with the wolves... the need to kill the beast was extreme.' she admitted 'but sometimes we go to extremes when I children not concerned. How is Sansa?''

''Well she likes it here' ned admitted.

''It seems she is the only stark that does, she favors the south like her mother not much of the north and her-' ceresi went on.

'What are you doing here?''

''I might ask the same of you.' Cersei said taking threatening steps forward her heels clicking on the ground 'what is it you hope to accomplish?'' Jae was right and Cersei had eyes and ears everywhere. Ned needed to be careful with his investigation. Whatever it was Catelyn was right, the lannisters were up to something. 

''The king called on me to serve him and the realm and that is what I will do until he tells me otherwise.' Ned informed her.

'You can't change him you can't help him.' Cersei informed him 'he will do what he wants what he's only ever done. You will do your best to pick up the pieces.''

'Good Lord who is that?' Sansa questioned Jae and Petyr as the competitors in the tournament rode forward.

'That is ser Gregor Clegane they call him the mountain.' Petyr told her 'the hounds older brother.'

"Sandor's older brother, the princes guard." Jae corrected. Petyr rolled his eyes. 

"Always the polite one, maybe thats why you can't find a bride. Women like it rough." Petyr remarked. 

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