54. Begin Again

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"Marry me." Jae whispered against Sansa's lips. 

"Yes." Sansa breathed back again without hesitation. 

Sansa was excited for this wedding. She was so excited. She loved Jae so much, she loved that he had even gotten her fathers blessing years before. Said that it would be her choice. That she had a choice. 

Jae was in party planning mode but it wasnt like his usual party where he didnt know a single soul. It was Nick, and they didnt know where any of Sansa's remaining siblings were so it was a small guest list but that didnt matter. Nick would also officiate the ceremony. So it was just them and that was just how Sansa wanted it, she didnt care for everyone else, she only could see Jae. 

So as she got ready, she chose a dress, doing her own stitching, making a new house sigil for them. She sewed it on Jae's cloak as well. A direwolf with a daisy on its nose, with of course a green pollen center. 

"Beautiful." Jae whispered kissing Sansa's cheek. "I can't wait to marry you." 

"I can't wait to marry you." Sansa echoed handing back his cloak. 

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast books, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with you." Jae remarked. Sansa loved that he was romantic, poetic, she couldnt wait to fall deeper and deeper in love with him every day.  "You ready for that life for begin again?"

"I'm more than ready." Sansa agreed.  

"Sansa Gatsby has a nice ring to it." Jae remarked fondly. 

"It's perfect." Sansa agreed. Jae smiled touching her daisy necklace, she still had it, she never took it off. She was about to become Sansa Gatsby. She couldnt imagine anything better than becoming Jae's wife. Waking up next to that smile, kissing those lips, starting a family, knowing they were safe. 

Sansa walked down the cobblestone pathway, they had a daisy arch near the shore where Jae and Nick waited. Jae fixed his tie as he approached. 

"Be kind to your hearts through it all." Nick began. "Love is a dangerous game with many rewards. So, when you have it, fight hard to keep it. LIke you two did and will continue to do for all your days to come."

Sansa remembered her marriage to Tyrion, she remembered thinking she would never kneel for a man again, Jae wrapped his cloak around her and his hands moved back to hers. 

She had been humiliated with Tyrion, a punishment for the both of them. She felt nothing but love right now as she said her vows, looked into Jae's eyes and waited patiently for Nick to declare them man and wife. 

"I now present, Lord Jae of house Gatsby and Lady Sansa of house Stark, -" 

Sansa wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burrowing her fingers into his hair, holding him just as tight as he held her. Jae's tongue flicked playfully against her lips, and she parted just enough for a taste. Roaring applause from Nick crept past their bubble, and they slowed the kiss, both of them panting like they just run a marathon—but neither shocked by the intensity that consumed them.

 "As I was saying." Nick remarked. "I present to- well... me." Nick offered. " Lord and Lady Gatsby." 

Jae linked his fingers with Sansa and smiled a smile full of victory and promise. Jae led sansa back up to the house for cake and dancing. 

But with each song, Jae worked them closer to the bedroom across the foyer. By the time they reached the foot of the bed, his body ached to feel her lips on his —to peel her wedding dress from her body and bury himself inside her all night long.  His Wife. His Queen. 

Mirrorball // Sansa StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora