50. Perfect Timing

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So they beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past...

Sansa never felt more alive than she did riding into the fading sun with Jae, her arms wrapped around him, they were going to be free.

"Nick perfect timing!" Jae declared.

"What is that contraption?" Nick called down.

"Just help us up!" Jae countered and Nick lowered the rope. "Drop the row hook after sansa gets up."

"The hook Jae?" Nick questioned as sansa got up.

"I spent weeks working on this thing. Im not leaving it in the middle of the ocean." Jae agreed. Once up and the water bike lifted and brought onto the top deck as well they were really off.

"Hello Lord Nick." Sansa whispered

"Just nick my lady," nick corrected. "Nice to see you again. Glad you will be coming with us south and not north."

"We are a tad north." Jae corrected.

"Not winterfell-" jae whacked him upside the head.

"Lets focus on happier pursuits." Jae whispered pleadingly. Nick nodded, mumbled an apology. "Its good to see you old sport."

"You too pal." Nick agreed.

Sansa stared out at the sea as kings landing became a speck.

"I wont let anyone hurt you." Jae remarked. "Not anymore. They cant touch you on the island." A smile and content hum filled her as he wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck.

"Thank you Jae, for saving me." Sansa whispered.

"Sorry it took my so long." Jae countered. "Now sit back and enjoy the ride, we will be home before you know it." 

Sansa had never felt so free wrapped in Jae's arms. Watching the waves roll in and the shadows of turtles, dolphins, seals swimming below them. She leaned forward more and smiled down at the creatures as a whale popped up spouting water at them. 

She laughed, a real laugh, true and pure for the first time in ages. She laughed and she loved it.

It was a day of sailing, a night of drifting, and hopefully by midday they would be at the island. Sansa lay in the cabin hands laced on her stomach, hoping Jae would come in and lay beside her. She peered out the port hole and opened the door back up hearing voices above, Jae and Nick no doubt. She sat back down on the bed and saw a doll sitting on a trunk. 

Sansa moved to it, touching the delicate detailing. This was the last gift her father gave her and she yelled at him claiming she wasnt a child. She felt very much like a child as she held tight to that doll, crying into it. She didnt know how Jae found it, knew it was important, but he had grabbed it a long with her things, brought it with during the wedding. So she would have something to remind her of home. 

She never wanted to go home again though. 

"Sansa?" Jae questioned confusion filled him when he saw her crying. "Are you hurt?" then worry. "Did someone of the crew-"

"No, no," Sansa held the doll up slightly and Jae nodded sitting beside her. "I was so awful to him before he..." 

"He knew you loved him." Jae remarked. 

"You think he would hate this so terribly much?" Sansa questioned. 

"hate what?" Jae countered. 

"You and me." Sansa whispered leaning into him. 

"On the contrary, he gave me his blessing."

"He did?"


"What are you going to do?" Jae had questioned.

"Fuck if i know." Ned muttered leaning back in his cell. "Damnit jae. This was supposed to be good. Roberts dead and now all this! Look out for them protect them. Get them out if you can." Ned begged.

"I will. I will." Jae promised. "First chance I get."

"Jae." Ned whispered and Jae offered him a sad smile. "Sansa has always had a bit of a crush on you." Ned admitted and jae chuckled slightly.

"Shes a pretty girl." Jae told him.

"If I would have offered a union between you two... would you have accepted?" Ned questioned

"I would have wanted to wait a year or so, wait a bit, see if she liked spending more than a few days with me." Jae remarked, "but yeah. I would have." Jae agreed.

"You get her out of this hell you have my blessing dead or alive you have it." Ned offered. Jae sucked in a tight breath, he didnt want Ned dead, he wanted to get him out of here but didnt know how.

"When I get her out I will leave that up to her if she still finds me as charming." Jae offered kindly.

"Thank you Jae. You have been a good friend." Ned remarked sticking his hand through the bars. Jae shook it.

"You're not dying. Your family needs you." Jae told him and ned sighed.

"Take care of my girls."


"He wanted you to marry me." Sansa whispered. 

"He did." Jae agreed. 

"He gave his blessing." 

"He did." Jae agreed again. 

"Do you want to marry me?" Sansa questioned. 

"I do."

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