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"So let me get this straight. You guys were fighting an Akuma that was attacking Evelyn for no reason. Evelyn used the mouse Miraculous to lead the Akuma deep into the catacombs so the Akuma couldn't use its abilities and guide everyone. The Akuma managed to stab Evelyn, who still somehow managed to defeat the Akuma. It was then revealed that Evelyn was actually Shiro, who just happened to have a falling out with Hawk Moth, and now she is finally in some webbed cocoon waiting for an evolution?"

"That is the gist of it. And now Chat Noir wants to take the offensive against Hawk Moth."

"And to do that, you need help from the Ladyblog. I think it's a good idea, but is it enough to finally find him?"

"I'm not sure. We need him to make some kind of move and catch him by surprise. But what do we have that could force him out?"

"We have Evelyn."

"No, there are still 13 days remaining, and I doubt she will want to have a repeat of last time."

"No, no. Look, I know how it sounds, and I don't necessarily like the idea. But it sounds like Hawk Moth was specifically targeting her. What are the chances a few days after she breaks their alliance that she is targeted and almost killed by an Akuma? So, if that is the case, we could use her as a way of getting him out."

"You can't be serious? She has been through enough already. We CANNOT use her like that."

"Chill Mari, I meant via illusion. Do you seriously think I would do something like that?"

"No, you're right, sorry. I'm just a bit on edge lately. There is always something happening."

"Speaking of something happening, what's the news with you and Adrien? Has he confessed yet?"

Marinette's eyes darkened. "I'd rather not think about that right now. There are more important matters."

"Nope, this is now the most important thing. Spill."

"Ayla, it's not -"

"Spill. It."

"Adrien has been ignoring me, and every time he does, it's met with some bullshit excuse."

"That doesn't sound like Adrien.. Did something happen between you two?"

A deep blush spread across her face. "No. Yes. Well, we might have maybe almost kissed."

Ayla threw her fist into the air. "What? That's great! How did it happen?"

Marinette replayed the Events after their trip. "Well, girl. It sounds like our Sunshine boy doesn't know how to act around you anymore."

Marinette released a sad sigh. "You think so?"

"Don't sound so upset about that! It's a good thing. That means you are having an effect on him."

"Having an effect means nothing if he won't talk to me. Now, can we please stop talking about this? We need to make that post. The sooner people are looking, the better."

They spent the rest of the evening tailoring the perfect article to incite public support while minimizing any possible risk of civilians getting hurt by the Akumas.

"Max, thank goodness you answered! I need your help. I missed my math lesson because I was helping orphaned kittens find a home."

"Your dedication to those lost kittens is commendable, Lila, but unfortunately, I have an important job commissioned by Ladybug and Chat Noir themselves. There is a 75% chance of insufficient work if I don't finish it now."

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