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Today marks exactly three years since the incident that left me blinded. My mother no longer brings it up around me, but I can tell by her tone that she still pitied my situation. I can't blame her, nobody wants to see their child harmed or to live a hard life. I know she loves me and would do anything for me, but sometimes I wish she would treat me as a normal teen. I honestly can't remember the last time I was punished for doing something wrong.

"Evelyn, dear. If you wait any longer you're going to be late for your first day!" My mother pulled me out of my thoughts and I finished pulling my hair into my signature french braid, allowing the front of my hair to flow freely down my face and shoulders. Over the years my hair has gotten quite long. The end of the braid was just shy of passing my waist.

"I'll be right down Momma" I called out to my mother. Remembering where I had set my bag for school the night before I grabbed it before heading down stairs.

I was startled when I reached the bottom of the stairs as a pair of arms wrapped around me. I quickly relaxed as I realized it was my mother and returned the gesture.

"My dear, you are growing up so fast. Today you're turning 16, your father would have loved to see this. I still remember just yesterday you were running around in diapers and a towel pretending to be a superhero."

"Momma! P-please, that's embarrassing."

"Haha, I know! Oh, I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? What is it?"

"Well if i told you that would ruin the surprise silly. Besides, I don't even know what it is."

"That does make sense, wait. You don't know what it is?"

"It's a gift left from your father, he wanted you to have this when you turned 16. He told me that you and only you could know of the contents. Of course, I respected his will and haven't looked to this day. Here you are, my dear."

She placed a box lightly in my hand, it was octagonal and sealed with a sticker. The box was surprisingly light.

I heard my watch beep signaling it was time to leave for school. "Oh, I'm gonna be late! Bye Momma, I love you!" I kissed her cheek before leaving the house.

"Happy Birthday, and please be safe!" I could hear my mother call out just as I exited the front door. Slipping the box in my bag for safekeeping

I gave my watch the directions to the school. I knew how to get there and was confident in my abilities to do it without assistance. But I know it is never bad to be too careful.

With the help of an amazing app that can tell when pedestrians could cross I'm able to safely cross the streets without outside help. The only real issue I encounter while walking is people bumping into me on the busy sidewalks.

I was waiting for a light to turn when I heard a loud thump from behind me followed by a grunt of pain. It sounded like someone had fallen. I listened for a second and realized nobody was going to help the fallen person. I decided to help them and began walking to where I heard the person fall. I was bumped multiple times by people passing, but I eventually reached the fallen person.

I reached out my hand and helped lift them back up. From the voice and the wrinkled hands it appeared to be an older Chinese man. The old man profusely thanked me for my actions. I tried to downplay my actions as anybody would have helped him. But the man insisted on thanking me. I heard some shuffling before the man placed a paper container in my hands.

"You must open this only when you are alone."

"Why, what is it?"

"Cookies from 'Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie' the best bakery in France"

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