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Pov: Me the narrator!

The four freshmen casually chatted in front of the glass pyramid as they waited for their sophomore friends. Their discussion was interrupted by a high pitch squeal, some child was calling for their 'daddy'. The sound was getting louder as the child approached the group.

"This is RI-diculous, utterly RI-diculous. My daddy will have your job this instant! Come Sabrina! These peasants with their poor 'Artifacts' can not comprehend my beauty. Mhm"

"Y-yes of course Chloe"

Ah, my mistake. That was not a child, but the notorious rich crybaby Chloe Bourgeois. The group was suprized by what they had seen, as they had yet had the pleasure of meeting Mrs.Bourgeois. As the blonde girl left the heard her once again in the distance.

"Ughh, Maritrash. What are you doing with my Adrikins?! Come with me dear Adrien. I'm way better than that skank."

Marinette was taken aback "S-skank?" She took a step towards Chloe, rolling up her sleeve as she did so. Adrien had to hold her back. "Hang on Marinette I got this." Adrien told the blue haired girl before she made a mess of the blond.

"Chloe what you called Marinette is horrible. You aren't even a fraction of how amazing she is and with that attitude you never will be, you need to grow up! And by the way, I will willingly go with her anywhere. I couldn't say the same for you even if you paid me."

"Oooooooh" a crowd if onlookers chanted as they heard Chloe get destroyed.

The blond girl turned multiple shades of red before releasing a high pitch squeal "You will pay for this Adrikins, I swear it." Before storming off, orange Bob in tow.

Adrien turn to his blue haired companion "I'm sorry Marinette. You shouldn't have to be called that, I don't know what her problem is."

Marinette had cooled down "You don't have to apologize. But you said in was a-amazing, did you mean it?"

Adriens fixed turned a light shade of pink before he became very serious. "Every word of it!"

Marinette was elated to hear those words from her crushes mouth. She tucked her hands near her legs whispering "Thank you" before she headed back to the group.

Adrien was confused by her reaction but glad that she didn't seem upset. He was furious with Chloe and knew he had to do something about how she acted. He followed Marinette to their group of friends that had been waiting.

Chloe who had just been destroyed by her Adrikins. Was fuming in her bedroom. "Uhhh it's ridiculous utterly ridiculous. First I'm denied access to the Louve because 'you can't touch the Artifacts'. Like who even cares about those old toys anyway! Then my very own Adrikins was corrupted by that blue demon."

"Uh Chloe?.."

"Shut up Sabrina, can't you see I'm angry? Go be useful and finish me home work?"

"But Chloe there is a-" Sabrina tried to warn again.

"SABRINA, I don't care! Go do the hom-"

A violet butterfly landed and absorbed into the mirror Chloe was using to inspect herself.

"Hello Fragment, I am hawkmoth. I'm sure you know the deal as we have spoken before. I'm sure you won't fail me this time, am I correct?"

"Yes, that's correct Hawkmoth, I will destory those who have shattered my day." Fragment responded.

"Uh, Chloe, are you okay?" The orange haired girl questioned

"I told you to do the homework!" Fragment shot a beam towards Sabrina.

There was an ear pircing scream before the girl was turned into shards of glass.

"Now, where is that bitch?" Fragment asked herself, before shooting the roof off her home which turned into fine glass shards.

Authors note: wow I can't say enough how amazing yall are, 750 views already?! That's an amazing milestone and will 1k views right around the corner. I can not thank you enough if you have read this far in, but thank you anyway!

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