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Pov change: Evelyn

We were enjoying the rest of our food, when it was disrupted by another resurant goer yelling at his kids.

"No, no, no! What are you doing! You don't use that fork for meat. And where is your napkin? Get your elbows off the table!"

"Dad! Nobody cares. Just let me eat, gosh!"

The father slammed the table before furiously leaving for the bathroom.

Pov change: Hawkmoth

*mechanical whirling

"That feeling of disrespect. Kids these days don't know proper eating Etiquette. Fly away! My little Akuma, and evilize him!


The Akuma slips into the bathroom of the Jade Café. The Akuma spotits's target, flying into a napkin attached to the man's shirt. His eyes turn red as he is now under the control of Hawkmoth.

"Etiquette, I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you the power to show everyone the proper way to do things. In return, you will give me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous!"

"Hawkmoth, those kids won't disrespect the old ways again."

Pov Change: Adrien

After the commotion caused by that family finally seemed to wind down, we returned to eating our food. Everyone had just about finished eating when the building became to violently shake.

Cracks formed up the walls of the building, and dust began to fall from the ceiling. An Akuma! I stood up, but the building began shaking again. I looked up at the ceiling just in time to notice a large chunk was beginning to fall. It was going to land on Marinette. Without thinking, I dove over the table, throwing myself into Marinette.

I felt a surprising lack of pain as the room filled with smoke. Luckily, all the rubble managed to fall around us, but it also trapped us beneath it.

Something soft moved against my arm. Marinette's small form

This is bad, I can't transform to help fight the Akuma since Marinette is here. Marinette's face is filled with worry as well, she must be terrified. I should try to comfort her...

"Don't worry Adrien, I'm sure Catnoir will be here soon."

"What makes you so sure?"

"I trust him." My heart skipped a beat.

Why did Marinette trust me so much? well... Why did she trust Catnoir? The rubble around us began to slip. If Ladybug doesn't come soon, I'll be forced to do something.

"Come on Catnoir..." The words were wispered passed her lips. Has her lips always looked this soft?

After a few moments I decided we couldn't wait any longer, I was putting my identity over Marinette's safety. It wasn't right. She said she trusted me, I should trust her.

"Marinette I-"

"Found you!"

We both turned our head to the new voice.

Pov change: Evelyn
Time change: Roof collapse.

My vision was going crazy. The building shook violently, waves of vibration rippled throughout. I sensed the roof falling and barely dodged it. Most of the restaurant goers had evacuated, but there were still some people trapped under the rubble.

It was not even a minute since the attack, but a girl with an long ears and a staff and a boy with what felt like a turtle shell arrived. 'They must be the other heroes Fae was talking about"

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