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Pov: Marinette

To my parents and the Kwamis suprize. I woke up before my arenal of alarms began. I was feeling way better after talking with Catnoir. He was right, I needed to talk to my friends or else I was going to keep making crappy decisions. I also needed a way to apologize to Shiro. I don't even know how to find her, let alone apologize.

"Wow Marinette. Is it really you? You never wake up on time." Tikki flew up next to me as I opened my closet.

I lightly poke her tummy jokingly. "You're one to talk Tikki, you sleep more than I do."

"So what's gotten you so happy?" She asked me as she pulled out mix-match socks. I shook my head disapovingly at her bad selection.

"I wouldn't say 'happy' necessarily, I'm still upset about what I did. But after talking to kitty, I realize he was totally right. If I dwell on my mistakes without trying to move forward and fix them, it will continue to eat at me."

"Who knew your Catnoir had so much wisdom, but I guess it make sense considereding who he is."

"He really is something isn't he?

"Looks like someone is falling in love with a certain black cat."

"WHAT?? No way! I'm in love with Adrien. I would never cheat on him like that. Besides, Catnoir likes Ladybug."

"It's not cheating if you aren't even dating and did you forget you ARE Ladybug?. I think you dating catnoir is a win win"

"Yes I'm ladybug, but ladybug is just a fake persona. He doesn't like the real me. Either way I'm waiting for Adrien."

"I don't know Marinette. I think Catnoir likes both you and Ladybug. Why else would he comfort you like that." Tikki questioned

"No way, he was just on patrol and saw a possible Akuma victim. He's just kind, that's all no feelings at all."

"If you say so Marinette. All I'm trying to say is, you are waiting for Adrien who doesn't reciprocate your feeling, when you have Catnoir who continues to show you nothing but affection. Promise me you will think about it, okay?"

I thought about it for a moment. It's true, I have been waiting for Adrien but he hasn't shown any signs that he sees me as anything but a friend. Meanwhile Catnoir has always been by my side. But does he really like me as Marinette or was it just him being a hero? He's coming back tonight, so I guess I will have to figure It out then.

"I-I'll think about it"

I finished getting ready and ran to school

I spotted Alya and Nino standing by the entrance. I quickly approached them. Alya had spotted me making my way over.

"Oh, Marinette!" She sounded happy to see me. I continued to walk towards them but didn't respond.

"Uh, Marinette?" I pulled Alya into a tight hug, she was suprized and it took her a second before returning the hug.

"I'm always down for a hug, but are you okay gurl?"

"I'm so sorry Alya, I have been such a bad friend recently."

"Don't be sorry Marinette, you are far from being a bad friend, everyone had bad days."

"But that's the thing, it isn't just one bad day. I haven't been treating you as well as you deserve for a while now. There is so much I want to talk to you about."

"Then let's talk, you know I'm here for you no matter what. Can I come over tonight?"

I remembered that Catnoir is supposed to comeback tonight. "Sorry, I can't have anyone over tonight."

"You have got to stop apologizing. What about this... you know my cousin Fae right, you met at the Café."

"Yeah sure I remember her."

"Well she and her friends are going to the Louvre today, she wanted Nino and I to tag along. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I brought you along, I'm sure you could even get Adrien to come too."

"I'd love to go, It will help me take my mind of things, and if we get a chance to talk in private that would be wonderful."

"So dudettes, do you want me to invite my boy Adrien then?"

I had totally forgot Nino was listening that entire time. Alya poked his forehead. "Thank you my little DJ, but Marinettes' got this covered."

"I-I do?"

"You do. Oh look who it is, Hey Adrien over here." She waved Adrien down before pushing towards the blonde.

I landed directly into his chest. "H-Hello Marinette, look like you're feeling better." I could feel the heat rising from my cheeks to my ears.

"Adrien! Ah yes, feel better I am... I mean yes, I feel better."

"Well I'm happy to hear that. Were you just saying hello or did you have a question for me?" He scratched the back of his neck lightly.

"A question I do have, I mean.. I do have a question."
I took a deep breath and steadied my breath. I can do this!

"Would you like to go to the Louvre with me after school?"... Yes!!! I did it!

"Go to the Louve just you and I? Sure I'd love too, but I would have to ask my Father. I'm sure he'd agree if I can convince him it's educational."

"Well not just you and me, while I would lo- like for it to be just you and I. Alya was invited by her cousin, and she invited us."

"Oh... I see, well either way I'll have to see what my father says, but I'm sure I'll be able to come one way or another. In the meantime Shall we head to class?"




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