The Fool

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Pov: Evelyn


"I have to say Evelyn, I didn't expect that from you. You looked so cool!" The little spider said as she played with a web ball.

"Thanks Kumo, I'm still not sure if that was the right choice or not..."

"Who cares! You looked awesome! The way you destroyed the light post, the look on his face was priceless. Glad to see you're over the whole "akumatized" thing as well"

"I know, I just feel so yucky about it..."

"Look kid, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't hurt anyone (kind of) and all you did was talk. Now for Ladybug and Chat Noir they know your intentions and hopefully they don't get in your way from now on."

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that... I said I was going to go after Hawkmoth, but I don't even know where to start."

"Let's think about that later. It's time for some food!"

*sigh* "You're always so hungry."

"I can't help it. This universe just has such great food!"

"This universe? Are there others?" I asked her.

"Less thinking, more food." The spider demanded.

"Yeah, yeah. I think I know just the place."

My phone chimed as I reached my destination. Unfortunately my watch was still broken since I stupidly did that before getting akumatized.

"You have reached your destination: 12 Rue Gotlib."

It was a tad late but luckily I could hear sounds from inside the Bakery. I was hoping they would still be open at this time. The bell rang as I entered the store.

"Welcome! We'll if it isn't Evelyn, what can I get for you dear?" The woman behind the counter said.

"Hello Mrs. Cheng, I need another two cookie totes."

"My my, Is this for your friend again?"

"Yes, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to steal one or two."

"Well you wouldn't want to short your friend out of their share, here have these while I gather the rest for you." She slid small box of cookies in front of me.

"Oh, thank you, how much do I owe you?" I asked her.

"For those? Nothing, it's on the house, but for the totes.. that will be €15."

"Thank you!" I left the money on the counter and took a seat to wait until she came back with my order. I sat in silence, listening and feeling the vibrations from outside, creating an almost perfect image of my surroundings in and outside. My interest peaked when I could hear muffled voices from the rooms above me.

"Honey, make sure you pay the electric bill."

"Ew, green beans. Gross!"

"Dear did you grab eggs?"

Lots of conversations could be hear from the families above, one conversation caught my ear however.

"Marinette, how are you still blushing? It's been over an hour since he left."

"I can't help it Tikki, did you see how close we were? We were practically married."

"M-Married? You haven't even kissed yet!"

"I could just feel it Tik-"

"Here you go Evelyn, all set to go."

The conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Cheng. I thanked her again before leaving the store. The conversation was still on my mind as I had walked home. I felt a bit guilty listening to her private talk, but who could Marinette have been talking about? And who is Tikki?"

I made my way to Q-Mobile to pick up a new watch for myself. My father sends me a healthy amount of money each month so I don't skimp and pick a brand new Tsurugi T3, state-of-the-art smart watch. Apparently, it uses some advanced satellite technology to guarantee service around the world with the highest end tracking capabilities incase it ever gets lost or stolen. Needless to say this is an exciting purchase and I practically ran home to set it up.


Pov: Adrien


"Talk about an eventful evening huh Kid?" Plagg commented.

I rolled my eyes "Tell me about it. First were attacked at our trip, twice might I add. Then I almost kiss my good cute friend, then I get cat napped!" I said to the floating cat.

"You're still going to call her your 'good friend'? Just admit you like her already." Plagg said.

"I love Ladybug! Marinette is just a really really great friend of mine." I told him.

"Great friends don't almost kiss." He said

"Fine, I admit I might have a tiny itsy bitsy crush on her. Besides it doesn't matter how I feel, Marinette definitely doesn't feel the same way. She likes Luka."

Plagg looked visibly disgruntled by my statement. "You mean the blue-man group wannabe guitarists who thinks speaking in terms of 'melodies' is cool and doesn't carry a single ounce of cheese in his house-boat?"

"That's not how I would describe him, but yes. Also, I'm pretty sure they are Vegan, so no cheese, at least not the dairy kind"

Plagg made a throwing up noise. "Open your eyes kid, that girl totally likes you, while you are waiting for Ladybug to respond she's been waiting as well. You know how it feels, do you want to continue putting her through that?"

"Marinette's waiting.... but how do I know if she loves me or Adrien?"

Plagg looked super confused. "Did that spider girl manage to hit you after all? You are Adrien..."

"Yeah I'm Adrien, but the real me is Chat Noir. Adrien is just a façade, an imposter made to fool my father, he's not the true me."

"An imposter huh? Who are you trying to fool, your father... or yourself? Alright I'm done with this mushy talk. I need cheese and sleep."

'Who am I trying to fool?' I said quietly under my breath.

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