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Pov: 3rd Person
Loction: Hawkmoths Lair

"These feelings... so, intense... so, exploitable. Fly my little Akuma and evilize this darkend heart."

Loction: Cemetery

The Akuma spotted its target. Slipping through the moonlit cemetry it landed on a silver scythe before absorbing into the object.

=/= NOTICE =/=




"Shiro, why are you so sad my dear?"

"Hawkmoth! What do you want? Are you here to take my Miraculous too?"

"Take your Miraculous? I would never! I'm simply extending a hand to someone in need."

"I don't belive you, how could I trust a villian?"

"Me? A villian? Maybe in your eyes I'm the Villain, but to me, you Parisain heroes are the true Villains. Stopping me from achieving my goal... my wish. I allow people to express their true emotions, in return they help me."

"Well, if your villains are the heroes, then I guess we aren't enemies."

"Hm, and why would that be the case? Throwing in the towel already?"

"Ladybug removed me from the team, she tried to take my Miraculous. I can't help but feel... betrayed. I trusted them and they only doubted me and could trust me in return."

"I'm terribly sorry to hear that.. *he began smiling deviously* I can't help but relate to you. You see, my true wish is to bring back my wife, she was stolen from me after the Guardian of the Miraculous lied and cursed her. I will have her back, at any cost."

Shiro looked towards her mother's grave

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"Shiro. I'm sure you lost someone precious, wouldn't you do anything in your power to have them back?"

She thought for a moment before answering.

"Yes, I would."

"Join me Shiro, we can both achieve our dream, together."

"Do you promise I can get them back?"

"Without a doubt"

"I-I don't know... I need to think about it."

"Very well, I expect an answer soon. I'll have a gift for when you do"

=/= NOTICE =/=


Pov: Evelyn

A white moth flew out of my scythe. I watched as it flew away into the night sky. I slipped into a side alley out of view before transforming back. I began walking home, hawkmoths words echoing in my head. Could I really join him? Would I join him? Why would I join him?

Thinking of why, all I could imagine was seeing mother again. Hearing her voice was all I wanted and I would do anything to achieve it. I know how Hawkmoth feels, how could I judge him so harshly.

"Kumo, what do you think I should do?"

The small spider crawled out of my bag.

"Going with this Hawkmoth guy sounds like it will be way more interesting." She replied

"Please be serious for a second Kumo."

"Okay, okay.. I think going with Hawkmoth would be a good opportunity for you, you still don't know how to use even half your powers. Going with him will let you use your powers in ways you never could with the heroes. That doesn't make you a bad person."

"Well, when you put it that way it does seem like the better option."

'Hehe, this is gonna be way more interesting then being on the heros side, it's like a imax movie. I got front row seats and free snacks' Kumo thought

I returned home and got ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day at school, classes were now giving homework and not to mention we start the track team tomorrow.

Pov: Adrien
Time Change: next day - before class

Stepping out of the limbo I say my goodbyes to the gorilla. I spotted Nino and Ayla chatting at the schools entrance. "Hey Nino, Alya."

"Good morning dude" Nino sent a high-five my way, I returned it with a satisfying

"Good morning Adrien"

"What are you two talking about?"

Alya responded "We were talking about what happened yesterday at the Jade Café."

"Like dude, isn't it like totally crazy how we see so many akumas?" Nino questioned

"He he, that's true, you and Ayla always seem to be around when there is an Akuma, hmm maybe I should stay away from you two. Your bad news!"

"Very funny Adrien, you couldn't stay away from us if your tried." Alay answered

The bell rang

"Maybe we should head to class. Where is Marinette?" I asked

"If I had to guess, probably just waking up" Ayla was wrong.

We walked into class and found Marinette slumped over at her desk, she looked miserable. Alya took a seat next to her and shook her shoulder.

"Uhh, girl... are you good?" Alya asked Blobinette


"Do you want to talk about it?"

Marinette lifted her head to say no. From her eyes I could tell she had been crying. I couldn't help but feel a tightness in my chest.


Alya glared deeply at me "Was it Adrien?"

Huh? Was It me? What did I do?

"Not now Alya" Marinette responded sadly

"Well if you need to talk, I'm here for you"

"Thanks" There was a muffled response from under her arms.

I tried to direct my attention back to the teacher who had just begun the lesson, but my thoughts drifted back to Marinette. I had to speak to her, but how? She won't even talk to Ayla. Maybe I could do something as Catnoir. She wouldn't ignore him right?

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