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Gabriel Agreste


"Gabriel, Tomoe Tsurugi is on the line. She said you will want to hear what she says."

"Gabriel-sama, I have information that you dearly desire. In return however I'd like you to move the date for Alliance up further.

"If this info is what I need, then I will gladly rise to the occasion. Now. What exactly did you find?"

"This week a new user has been spotted moving at high speeds beyond what normal humans are capable of. We tracked their path with recent Akuma footage and we believe we have found the identity of your little arachnid infestation. A student at Collège Françoise Dupont under the name Evelyn Yuki. I believe she was actually a victim of yours a week or so ago."

"Ah, yes. Heartline. That brat managed to sever the connection. I believe you are to be right on this matter. Thank you Tomoe, I will see about moving the date further up. If things go well they should be very very soon."

Gabriel hangs up the line with the Japanese woman. "Natalie, get Mrs. Rossi on the line."

Shiro swung through the city for a few minutes before heading in the direction of her home. She landed gracefully in her windowsill, pulling the glass closed behind her. The room was filled with a bright light as Shiro detransformed into her civilian self. Her small spider kwami plopped lazily on the bed beside her.

The little taratect was the first of them to speak. "Never transform with that little red bug again, she acts so sweet and innocent, it disgusts me"

Evelyn chuckled at her friend's complaint. "Oh come on. She couldn't have been that bad!"

"You don't understand how nice and cutesy she is! Its unbearable" The spider insisted.

"Well she is. She's Marinette's kwami so she's bound to be annoyingly kind." Evelyn responded.

Kumo placed one clawed arm over the other "That's right! You finally figured out who those two were, I was wondering how long it was going to take you."

"Why does it sound like their identities aren't new to you?" Evelyn asked.

"Well duh, that's because they aren't."

Evelyn placed her fingers on her temples. "And you didn't think that would be important to tell me?"

"No. Not at all! That would totally spoil the fun of the investigation if I just tell you."

Evelyn heavily sighed at her friends irresponsibly. "How long did you know? no wait. How DID you know?"

"I have known since like day one or two. Marinette and Ladybug had the same skeletal structure and very similar build. Not to mention once I dismantled the 'Quantum Masking' it's clear as day." Kumo said boastfully.

"Quantum Masking? What even is that?" Evelyn asked her.

"Ever wonder how Marinette and Adrien don't recognize each other's voices or faces even though they are 'good friends'. You can thank Quantum Masking. It's magic that confuses everyone except for those the user doesn't want to be confused. It's an innate ability that all Kwamis possess and that holders enforce."

"Okay, that sounds like a super convenient ability... how can you just bypass that so easily."

"To make a long story short there is very little I can't do. Not to toot my own horn, but you are looking at the strongest kwami."

"Hmm, the strongest kwami you say? Keep dreaming little spider, I really doubt that." Evelyn joked.

"You shouldn't be so quick to doubt me. You have seen what you can do as Shiro... and I'm only letting you use a fraction of my abilities." Kumo responded.

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