
405 11 5

Pov: Damien
Location: School
Time: Last Period

"Okay class who can solve this solution for me?
a² + 8² = 10²"

'Pshh that's easy, I won't even need a calculator'

'So since I'm looking for a, I have to move b over to c, then divide by pi... *a long string of math equation later* I got it' I raised my hand to answer.

"Damien would you like to answer?"

"Yes, the answer is 11."

"Sorry Damien, that would be incorrect. Remeber class, if you get an answer for a or b that is longer then the hypotenuse your answer will always be incorrect. Would anyone else care to answer?... Ah Evelyn please go ahead."

"A equals 6."

"That's correct, well done Evelyn. Ok, for the next problem..."

I turned to Evelyn, she had her eyes closed by she was still writing notes on her tablet. She looked so beautiful, it was hard to begin speaking. "So Evelyn, have you always been good at math?"

"Mhm, I have always been good at math, but I'm not particularly fond of it. Math always has the most homework after all."

"Hehe, true they really do give us a lot. Say, do you think you could tutor me some time? I can't seem to grasp this properly."

"Sure, I don't have anything after school anymore..."

It was hard to catch, but for a second her smile turned into a frown.

"Besides we have to stay late today for the track meet up don't we?"

"Oh, that's right!"

I totally forgot.

"I can't belive we were dragged onto the track team. I mean I was going to try and join anyway, but still."

"Damien, Evelyn, is there something you wish to share with the class?!" The teacher caught us talking

In unison we said "No Ma'am" the teacher turned back to the board.

Evelyn wispered one last time "We can talk after class."


Class finished, Evelyn and I began walking side by side towards the locker rooms in silence. I could smell her shampoo, she smelled like a rose, fitting since her hair was the same color.

Evelyn was the first one to break the silence.

"Damien, you said you wanted to join the track team right?"

"Yea, I have always loved running. I really wanted to join the track team in Paris, my last school in China was always super strict about their teams, I was never even able to do tryouts.

"You are from China? Why did your parents move to France?" She questioned

"Well my mom was born here, and since my aunt's Bakery was doing so well my father thought it might be a good chance for me to learn from them."

"Wow. That's a big move. So you are learning under your aunt then? What is her bakery called?" She asked

"Well I'm actually learning under my grandfather-in-law. In insited that if I learn it "needs to be the proper way". And the name of the bakery is the 'Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie' my aunt and her husband co-own it, they are an amazing duo."

"Oh! I have had their cookies before. They were so amazing! We should get some after try-outs. It will be good for our energy too! I hope their shop isn't too far!" She looked super excited. Her smile is so cute! Aunt Sabine's cookies do have that affect on people.

"Haha, I would love to take you there. It is actually right around the corner too."

Does this count as a date? Who knows! I'm counting it as a date.

"I actually have to bring something to my cousin anyway so that really work out." I responded shortly after

"I can't wait!!"

We finally reach the locker rooms and went our separate ways, eventually we reconverged in our gym clothes. Evelyn looked amazing (as always), but spandex might be my new favorite material. 'Man, I have to get my head out of the gutter'

We began walking towards the field. "What do you think thy are going to have us do today?" She asked.

"Uh, I'm not quite sure my self really, if I had to guess either endurance training or maybe seeing what category we would be best in."

"Is there something in particular you want to focus on?"

"I have always wanted to try doing hurtles. Combining speed with endurance and timing, it's almost the perfect sport. What about you, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I really don't belong here with everyone else." She mumbled

"What do you mean you don't belong, you are the fastest girl in school. If that's not a reason to be here, then I don't know what is."

"It's just, everyone has trained hard to get here, worked hard to achieve their goals. Meanwhile I just waltz in and steal the spotlight. They are all using their own abilities, while I'm, I'm just a fraud."

"Come on, don't say that. Yes everyone here has trained hard, and even if you feel you haven't doesn't mean you don't belong. Besides, if you really feel like you don't belong now, just work so hard you feel like you do."

"Thanks Damien, If you don't mind, their is something I have to do really quick, I'll meet you on the field."

"Oh, okay. Will you find your way alright? I don't mind walking with you."

"Thank you, but I need to do this on my own, ill be alright."

"If you say so... I'll let the instructor know you will he late."

She walked back towards the school. He scarlett red hair blowing softly in the breeze. 'At least she seems to have cheered up, she has been looking sad a day.' I turned around and head towards the field.

I let the instructor know Evelyn would be arriving late. The instructor began and showed us what we were doing. Each person had to choose what sub-category they wanted to focus on. They had everything from the long jump, pole vaulting and normal dashes.

While I could have chosen to do one of the dashes, knowing I would be one, if not the best on the team. I stuck with deciding on hurtling. It was going to be a challenge, but I looked forward to it.

By the time almost everyone had chosen their sport, Evelyn had finally returned. She looked happier than before, almost glowing. After speaking with the instructor she joined the group of students that chose cross-country.

With our groups choosen the instructor had us run laps around the track for the rest of the meet. I was running ahead of the group along with some of the faster runners. I was surprised to see Evelyn wasn't among the few next to me. Instead she had fallen behind quite a bit. She was by no means slow, but she was definitely slower than when she set the record.

Maybe she was pacing herself? I would have to ask her about it.

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