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Pov: 3rd person
Location: Cemetery

Evelyn sat at the foot of her mother's grave. She had been telling her mother about her first days at school and about her friends. She knew her mother probably couldn't hear her, but regurardless she felt like she had to try.

"I wish you were still here so I could tell you face to face. I actually became a hero. But It's too late, I already lost you, I just don't know what to do. I'm lost. I really miss you." The words managed to escape her lips in-between gasps for air as she cried.

"I want to be a hero, for you. Your little hero."

A little white spider climbed out of her bag. The little spider sleepily wiped it's eyes before speaking.

"Evelyn, Ladybug is attempting to contact you. Do you want to answer it?"

"Oh no, I was supposed to meet with her today! I'm sorry mom I need to go. I'll come back tomorrow!"

She quickly gathered her things and left the Cemetery. She found an alley she could slip into before talking to Kumo again.

"Okay Kumo, how do I talk to Ladybug?"

"When we transform just use the interface in your Scythe to accept her call."

"Sounds simple enough.. wait I don't have a scythe."

"Sure you do, just think about one while creating webs it should feel like second nature when you start."

"If you say so. Kumo, Spin thread!"

With a bright white glow she was transformed into the white clad hero. She extended her hand out in front of her and Envisioned a scythe. To her surprise a long scythe formed in her hand. She tapped a spider shaped button on the side and a screen popped out of the side.

A picture of Ladybug appeared on the screen and she accepted the call.

"Hello? Ladybug?"

"Shiro, can you meet me at this location?" The screen showed a building a couple blocks away.

"I can be there in 5 minutes" Shiro responded.

"Well talk when you get here, Goodbye for now" Ladybug quickly ended the call

Shiro landed on the building, she stood in front of Ladybug. "Sorry I lost track of the time"

Ladybug looked Shiro in the eyes, Ladybug felt guilty for what she was about to say. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you join the team."

Shiro took a step back in shock. "What? Why? I don't understand."

"There are multiple reasons, the main ones being your sudden appearance, the new villan and as guardian of the Miraculous it is too risky to trust anymore people."

Shiro got defensive "That doesn't mean anything! I just received my Miraculous. How does that make me un trustworthy? And if there is a new villan doesn't that mean you will need more help?"

Ladybug answered "I understand your upset but my decision is final. You aren't a hero. You will hand over your miraculous to me. You will receive it back when you prove to be trustworthy"

Shiro reached for her miraculous, protecting it with her hand. "I won't be giving you anything, I have been nothing but trustworthy to you and this is how you treat me? If you're a hero then I don't want to be." She turned to jump of the building.

Ladybug quickly tied her arms up with her yo-yo. "I really am sorry, but as guardian I can't let you leave with that miraculous."

Shiro struggled against the string but it wouldn't budge. Ladybug reached for her miraculous and begun to remove it from her hair.

"GAH" Ladybug yelped in pain when the miraculous electrocuted her hand. She had released her hold on the yo-yo allowing Shiro to quickly break free. She launched off the side of the building leaving Ladybug cluching her hand in pain.

As she ran from building to building tears began to stream down Shiro's face. "Why? Everything was just starting to look up!"

She returned to the Cemetery and approached her mother's grave.

"Momma, you said heroes never cry right? Well since I'm not a hero anymore, I can cry right?"

Shiro was too distraught to notice the purple butterfly flutter into her Scythe.

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