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My room was filled with a white glow. I could feel my clothes transforming into a long flowing silky dress. There was a tight braided strap just below my chest. My could feel the frnech braid that had previously reached my waist now flowed down and around my legs. My pants and shoes were also transformed into a pair of leather boots. Just when I though the transformation had finished my eyes began to burn. The pain was brief but hurt like hell.

When I burning stopped I opened my eyes, stunned to see a women dressed in all white standing before me. It took me a moment to realize I was actually standing infornt of the large mirror in my room. It's been so long since I have been able to see myself I almost forgot it was there.

I began inspecting myself in the mirror, everything about me was white, from my shoes, to the dress. Even my normally scarlett red hair was now a snowy white. The only thing that was it's normal color were my eyes, which were also Scarlett red. But speaking of my eyes, that seemed to be the only normal thing about them. Looking closer at my eyes I now had five pupils in each eye, there was one main pupil which looked dead and four surround it.

For a moment I disregarded the other pupils, looking at the main one.
"This must be what my eyes look like now. I guess I have never seen them since the incident that left me blind". Wait.... I can see. And not just my room, I can see color.

 And not just my room, I can see color

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I ran to my window. Tears filled my eyes once again. I cursed my tears for ruining my reunion of the city view. The sun was beginning to set. I had a sudden urge to explore the city. Careful not to be spotted I slipped out of my window and pulled to myself onto the roof. I felt lighter than air, I could have never done that before.

Now on the roof, I ran from building to building as they were almost all the same level. Occasionally there was a roof that was way higher than the others. But I could easily jump high enough to clear the building in a single leap. As I ran at high speeds over the roofs she could feel my long braid flowing behind me in the wind.

I was lost in thought while running. Slipping on a broken tile, I began falling off the building. Now in a five-story freefall, I tried reaching for anything to grab. Reaching my hand out, a web shot out of my hand and attached to the side of the building. My momentum carried me into a swing, coming inches from the ground I began propelling into the air.

I landed back on the building, out of breath from screaming, and stand from almost dying. Regaining my composure took some time, but eventually, I was able to be amazed by what I just did. I tried making another web, and as if I had done it all my life the web shot out of my hand far into the street.

I feel my vision flash as I felt and saw vibrations reverberate throughout the city. The cause seemed to be emanating from the Eifel tower which was now clouded in smoke. Seconds later I heard a thundering boom. I immediately head in the direction of the explosion to see what the commotion was.

When I finally reached the tower most of the smoke had cleared. I could see three people in fighting a monkey that was throwing explosive barrels. I recognized two of the teens as Paris's crime-fighting duo Ladybug and CatNoir. I had never actually seen them before, but I knew who they were from their descriptions. The other teen was new though. His arms were covered in black feathers and he had a mask that resembled that of a plague doctor. That must be Night Raven the new hero Fae had mentioned in class.

The trio was about to corner the Akuma when a massive explosion was set off sending them flying into the buildings. When the smoke cleared there was a man who was slowly clapping with clawed hands.

The man wore an orange tux with white stripes. The collar of his suit was lined with puffy orange hair that resembled the mane of a lion. At his hip sat a black whip.

"So close Ladybug and Catnoir. Oh, and bird boy too. But you see, Hawkmoth isn't the only villain in Paris anymore. I am the true Animan. My Miraculous allows me to control and modify animals to my desire. Call them my pride if you will"

"Great, seems like everyone is trying to Cat-pitalize on this whole villain thing." The black cat spoke out.

"Ugh, Cat! Focus" Ladybug criticized her feline companion.

Ladybug threw her yoyo at Animan. He was faster than she was and he managed to smack the device out of the air with his whip.

"Now, now Ladybug. That is no way to treat someone you just met! I wasn't even going to fight you today, but alas you have angered me. The man opened his coat pocket and revealed a pigeon. He whispered something to the animal before it began to fly towards the trio. The pigeon had grown in size tremendously, it was now the size of a grown adult. It began to attack the heroes.

As I watched from my position on the roof I noticed Animan removing the collar on the money from before. The animal turned into a small pile of clay. Animan picked up the clay, before quickly transforming it into the shape of a pigeon before placing the collar onto it. The clay shifted into a living creature once again.

I looked back at the group of heroes, they were struggling against the foe. Not because it was strong, but because they feared they would be hurting an animal in the process. I had to relay this information to them before Animan made another move.

I ran from rooftop to rooftop before I was directly above them. I waited a second until the pigeon was directly below me. When it was in position I launched down from the roof onto the creature. I may have jumped a bit too hard, as I blew a hole straight through the clay monster.

I could feel the three looking at me in horror. As far as they knew a mysterious person had just brutally killed an animal.

"What have you done!" I could hear Ladybug cry out.

Cat noir turned his staff towards me "Why would you do that! Who are you?"

I realized how the situation looked. Instead of trying to talk my way out of the situation, I decided it would be best to show them. I stood up and yanked the collar of the destroyed creature. What was once a pigeon turned into a large pile of clay. I handed Ladybug the collar.

Author's note:
I decided to make some big changes to the story. As I said before this was gonna be a story 'like' miraculous ladybug. Instead, it is going to take place in an alternate timeline, where Hawkmoth isn't the only villain in Paris.

Animan is a Miraculous holder that uses clay animals. His true goals are unknown but Evelyn already discovered how to stop the clay creations.

NightRaven or 'bird boy is also a Miraculous holder and a new hero of Paris. It is unknown how he got his Miraculous. His suit is similar to cat noir in the sense that they are both jet black. 'Bird Boys' arms are covered in dark feathers that automatically regenerate when lost. He can shoot his feathers out as a weapon or use his wing as a shield. Just like Carapace's shield his wings stop attacks from akumas, but only from the outside, meaning his back is exposed to attacks.

Evelyn, who has yet to pick a hero name, is a Miraculous holder chosen by Master fu. She holds the Taratect Miraculous, a spider with a countless number of skills and the ability to evolve with time. The Taratect Miraculous holder is the only other holder besides Ladybug capable to purifying an Akuma, but doesn't have the ability to repair damage caused in the process. The ability is called Gluttony.

The Taratect Miraculous is stronger that the ladybug miraculous in terms of strength. But if not given to the proper holder it can lead to their mind being corrupted or even death.

Word count: 1136 -> 1184

7-3-21: Release
7-5-21: name change 'White' -> 'Animan'
-Minor Changes to Dialogue 
-Evelyn can now use webs willingly

Resonance - Miraculous Ladybug: Tales Of Shiro - Discontinued Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu