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"I apologize for the intrusion." I spoke quietly, but precisely. The three heros had been staring at me, none of them had said until Night Raven spoke up.

"Well thank you for taking the initiative, I'm sure none of us wanted to harm it. If we had been paying better attention we wouldn't have missed that the animal was fake." He spoke from behind his mask.

"Oh, I guess I should introduce myself shouldn't I? You can call me Night Raven."

I bowed my head to him.
OH no! I forgot to think of my hero name. This will be my identity, I can't get it wrong. I blurted out the first name that came to mind. "Shiro"

"I'm Catnoir, nice to meet you Shiro" He kissed the top of my hand.

"Paw's off kitty. We don't have time for this."

"Are you purr-haps jealous M'Lady?"

"You wish. Remeber Lila? We don't know if we can trust her yet."

"What? But she just help defeat an Akuma, also you trusted NightRaven right away."

"Cat! Not now. Cant you see Animan is still here."

I couldn't help but feel like I was stuck in an argument. They were talking as if I wasn't directly next to them. While the continued arguing I could feel the vibrations of someone approaching. It was Animan. Through the smoke I could feel him beginning to attack with his whip. It was aimed at ladybug.

I tackled Ladybug out of the way of the whip. I didn't need to feel the vibrations of the attack to know it landed on my back. It was a searing pain, and I could feel liquid running from the hit.

"M'Lady!" Crouched down to help us. Raven gave him cover with his wings, shielding us from further attack.

Catnoir saw my back, "Shiro, you're bleeding!" I got off of Ladybug, who was now apologizing. My back felt like it was hot, but it wasn't painful. Eventually the heat subsided and revealed that the wound had mostly healed.

"Woah" Ladybug was surprised.

Our conversation was haulted when Animan created another clay creature, this time it was a giant gorilla.

"You are an interesting development little Shiro, as much fun as this has been, I'm not prepared to fight the four of you today. I'll be watching." He got on the back of a clay pigeon he created and flew off into the distance.

"Cat, don't let him get away!"

Catnoir begun extending into the air after Animan. He was almost there when the gorilla grabbed Cat's pole and flung I'm off of it. Ladybug used her yoyo to catch catnoir but his momentum caused her to fly away with him.

Now it was just NightRaven and I with the gorilla. I explained to him that we need to remove his collar to release the Akuma.

"Aero Ace!" NightRaven shouted. Using his wings he sent two gusts of wind towards the Akuma, the wind sliced clear though it's arm. Angry and missing an arm the beast charged at the duo. Quickly jumping out of the way, it charged into the side of the building. While the Akuma was stuck we jumped onto its back. We found the collar around his neck and with a strong tug, the collar broke off. A purple claw flew out of the broken device.

I grabbed the claw out of the air.

"Nooo!" I could her Ladybug, Catnoir and Nightraven say in unison.

A bright light appeared from my hand. My mind went blank and I was transported to a dark room.

"Oh, poor little Shiro" a voice echoed though my head. "To fall under my command on your debut. What a failure of a hero you turned out to be." The voice began Laughing maniacally. "Go and retrieve the Ladybug and Catnoir Miraculous."

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