The Fan

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Pov: Adrien

"Alyaaa! Over here!"

There was a girl attempting to wave Alya down. The auburn haired girl shook he head before making her way towards the table. Confused, the rest of us followed.

"Fae, what are you doing here?"

"We are celebrating the opening of Jade's parent's café." The girl motioned towards another girl who was sitting at the same table.

Besides Alya, Marinette was the first person to speak up in our group. "Wait, Alya, how do you know each other?"

"Fae, here is my younger cousin. Our family is pretty close, so we practically grew up together."

"You had never mentioned her before.."

"Well, when we moved here last year, my aunt didn't want to move. Fae can be persuasive"

Jade was next to talk. "Well, if you're family of Fae, then you're a friend of ours. Please join us it's on the house."

I was about to accept her kind gesture when Fae cut me off.

"I'm not just family, I'm also a Mega fan of her work on the Lady-Blog!"

Oh no, another person obsessed with the blog. If she's anything like Alya, I'll have to he extra careful with my identity.

Marinette shifted uncomfortably next to me.

Alya and Nino took a seat across from each other next to Fae. The only open seat was the one across from Marinette, who was talking to a girl with Scarlett red hair. I happily took the seat.

I picked up part of their conversation "-cidence that we happen to meet for a second time today! It looks like you were able to find your way this time." Marinette has a large smile on her face as she giggled at the red-headed girl.

The dark-haired boy next to me wispered.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?"

I couldn't agree more. Seeing the way his friend smiled, he couldn't help but do the same.

The both of us spoke at the same time

"Her blue eyes are amazing,"
"Those red eyes are mesmerizing."

I turned to the boy. "I thought you were talking about Marinette."

"What? No. She's my cousin! Either way, she can't compare to Evelyn."

"Can too!"

I stared at the boy. He stared back. Without knowing we had entered a staring contest, to see who had the cutier companion, I mean friend.

"-rien, Adrien!" Marinette's voice had broken my concentration and cause me to blink.

I put my head on the table in defeat.

"Adrien, did you hear me? The waitress asked what you wanted to drink. "

I quickly looked around and spotted the lady in the uniform. Quickly scanning the menu, I found the drink I wanted. "I'll take the ladybug, pur-lease." I heard Marinette ever so slightly sigh.

"Okay, so just to be clear with the order. I have two cokes, a milk, a lemonade, a vanilla milkshake, and finally a ladybug and a catnoir. Am I missing anyone?"

Everyone but me shook their head. It wasn't because my order wasn't taken, but because I was trying to figure out who ordered the catnoir.

When we received our drinks, I was surprised that it was Marinette who ordered the Catnoir.

I watched as she put her glossy pink lips on the straw, slightly concaving from the suction.
"Minty" she commented quietly.
I adjusted my collar. Why was it so hot in here, didn't they have ac?

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