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DAYS FLEW BY and Saturday came without Lizabeth discerning how fast it came since she came back. Within those specific days had gone through, Lizabeth only thought of a one person. It was no longer Chandler David Limestone. But he also thought of Chandler David Limestone to seeing him tonight at the galactic ballroom of Goodwell hotel Los Angeles. Lizabeth could no longer help the itch and irk she felt to see Chandler and his parents and the parents of Mia Clara Lendholm tonight. They were all going to attend the introduction of the upcoming ruler of the Goodwell Group Incorporated.

Lizabeth knew because Sebastian informed her.

However that particular and specific person Lizabeth was desperately wanting to see was no other than Mr Ralph Cortez. Until this very moment, Lizabeth couldn't believe how she succumbed and surrendered her virginity and purity to someone like Ralph – whom she knew for just a few months. Lizabeth never stopped reprimanding and pondering herself that what happened between her and Ralph was nothing for her to dwell with. The guy had no overwhelming value to her but a friend.

A friend but she missed him miserably.

Lizabeth had Ralph's phone number, she had been giving him a ring, but his phone was ni longer available. When Lizabeth called Sebastian, he answered. And when she asked him about Ralph and how the guy was doing now, Sebastian shrugged her inquiry verbally by telling her he had no idea because Ralph left Los Angeles, California for good. Knowing Ralph was truly leaving California for Italy, Lizabeth felt a pang of guilt and regret dug deeper into her heart, generating pain.

I should have told him not to leave yet. I would be back. Lizabeth mentally mused as she shrugged indolently. But why am I missing him so bad? Is it because I surrendered my virginity to him?

"What are you thinking, princess?"

The voice of Mr Armando Goodwell catapulted to Lizabeth's awareness, seizing her inwardly from her reverie. She twisted gently from where she was standing and glanced at her father. "Nothing dad." Her voice was laced with sadness and exhaustion. "Some random things you don't need to worry about."

"Even if it's a random thing, seeing you feeling uneased worries me." Mr Goodwell stood behind Lizabeth, tapping his hands on her shoulders. "And if it's about your upcoming date with Raphael Daniel, I can assure you he is a gentleman, princess. He said he saw your face and he likes you instantly." He smiled radiantly, beaming at the mirror, where Lizabeth was staring at him. "I'm pretty sure you will like him because he is very handsome."

Bewilderment came and poked Lizabeth's head. Hearing her dad appreciating a man sent confusion to her. Because she knew how her father was never used to giving compliment to another man's appearance and physical features. "Very handsome?"

Mr Goodwell nodded enthusiastically, still smiling brightly at Lizabeth. *Yes, very handsome."

"Oh really?" Lizabeth blinked and gaped in susoecion. "How handsome he is?" She asked before realizing what the correct phase to utter. "I mean, how he looks like physically in person?"

Mr Goodwell diligently began describing what he remembered about Raphael Daniel Amancio's physical appearance. The guy had a dark slightly curly hair, deceptive tantalizing eyes, a towering six feet in height, plump pink lips, olive skin complexion, long and thick eyelashes and a muscular and firmly built body. And to Lizabeth, while her father was describing Raphael Daniel, she was thinking about Ralph. Because the guy had the same exact features of how Mr Goodwell described Raphael Daniel.

"So he is really a handsome man." As handsome as Mr Cortez. Lizabeth continued, spelling her compliment about Raphael Daniel Amancio. "I am curious about meeting him now." Curious if he really looks like Mr Cortez.

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