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IT HAD BEEN a week after Lizabeth left their mansion in Bel-Air – with her dad there, and moved in to her new average rate and cost apartment. To work at the small coffee shop just a few paces away from her apartment – Ariella Park, her new friend, offered wasn't good enough to cover her monthly rent. Though nobody knew her real identity, the fact that she presumed that her father would be looking for her now. And she was pretty sure the King of the Goodwell Pharmaceutical Group Inc was miserably bursting his rage at the moment.

Poor Danna, Alexandro and Selena that they have to deal with dad's anger. Lizabeth mused inwardly while scanning the bar code of the item the customer purchased. I had to leave so dad would realize how much he lost.

She couldn't help her mind and head from wandering and pondering the situation she and her father had gone through. This wasn't her fault and she had the full right to deal with her own life and chose her path to find what was there in her destiny. Marrying someone she never heard of and never had seen their face, for a twenty one year old like Lizabeth, that was not her ordered and desired cup of tea. Even if it meant, triggering and drawing her father's anger out from hell, leaving him and stepping on to her new life where changes was the only constant matter was the best choice for Lizabeth.

After refusing the offer Ariella Park offered to help her get a job in a small coffee shop, Lizabeth decided to work as a cashier in a retail store. One of her reasons why she chose to work as a cashier there was because of the son's owner, Chandler Limestone. The man was so popular in town and he happened to be Brandon's friend and highschool colleague. Well, it was not literally the primary reason why she chose to work there. The payment was good and it could definitely cover her rental and electric.

"Are you okay there, young lady?"

Lizabeth catapulted out from her trance when a female voice found its way to her ears. She shook and shrugged the thought off her and whirled at her neighboring cashier station. It was her coworker, Gloria Steel, prying at her with questioning eyes. "I'm okay, Gloria." She smiled at her, fraudulently. "I'm just thinking randomly."

"I know and it's obvious." Gloria uttered while keeping her attention to the customer. She was chatting with Lizabeth while accommodating customers, who were queueing for their turn. "And I can understand since you're so new and not familiar with this kind of means of living." She prattled frantically, smirking teasingly at Lizabeth.

Grimacing at the comment Gloria rimmed through her brain, Lizabeth raised a brow, taunting Gloria. "Why do you say that?" She asked while stapling the plastic bag before handing it to the customer. "Thank you." She mumbled to the customer and returned her eyes to Gloria. "Is that how you judge me?"

Scowling, Gloria ceased from scanning bar codes and glared at Lizabeth. "It's not a judgment, dear. Look." She pointed to Lizabeth's hand and pouted. "They seem fragile and delicate."

I can't blame her. Lizabeth spoke silently into her head. She took a quick scan of her hands. But I can't scrub around just to damage my hands so they may look like ordinary people's hands.

As the customers were keeping them busy, Lizabeth didn't realize the time and her schedule ended. The work as a cashier relentlessly kept her concentration steady as she could not afford to make unwanted mistakes. She wanted to prove to Gloria and the owner of the retail store she deserved the spot and the job and the payment. Once she was finished tidying her belongings, Lizabeth raced her Mazzaratie car to the nearest car trading shop to trade her car with a cheaper one.

"How much do you want for this baby?" The shop owner was prying to the interior of the car. His face was so brightened and the excitement he seeped through his features was unavoidable. Most of his clients who dropped by to trade and buy some of his second hand cars were average and commoners. "This still looks brand new and fancy."

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