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BUT A WAVE of relief then loomed afterwards Lizabeth, brushing away the vile and the nervousness flourished through her – when Danna updated her that Mr Goodwell had recovered after he was taken to the hospital. Lizabeth never understood why life had been hard to her for the past days and weeks. However, Lizabeth knew no one to blame but herself, if she had listened and heeded to the advises Brandon and Ariella lectured her basically everyday.

Honestly, everytime when the issue related to Chandler.

And Lizabeth finally discovered the real face of Chandler David Limestone herself, catching him naked maneuvering his shaft inside Tamara's. Though she felt remorse and regret and allowing herself to lament and grieve, Lizabeth somehow found herself needing for comfort from her friends. Her father's current health condition added as factors for her anxiety to dawdle a little longer. But what made Lizabeth fortunate despite the tremendous and successive excruciating events that took place in her life lately, her being single and learning to live life all by herself contributed to the positive aspects.

Now, it had been a week since that night when the world turned around against her. Lizabeth asked Harold for her to have a leave of absence for the entire week – excluded the day they went to Las Vegas. Ariella and Brandon went to Harold in order to help Lizabeth explaining her side and the reason why she needed more days of rest. And the week of rest had gone fast and Lizabeth now resumed her daily routine. Lizabeth was ready to face the world and the upcoming challenges it might offer.

"Welcome back to Donatello's!"

Lizabeth shrunk mildly down inside her when she stepped in the kitchen of Donatello's and Analiza greeted her, offering a hug. "Thank you so much for being so understanding to me." She reciprocated, corresponding to Analiza, coiling her arms around her. "I miss you so much Ana." She pulled and smiled at her. "And thank you for taking my position for a while."

"It's no problem my dear. You needed time to rest and ponder after what happened to Vegas." Analiza enunciated insensitively, not caring if what she said was approximate or not. "It's not easy to catch the man you are crushing having… you know." She shrugged after she prattled.

Lizabeth frowned, drawing her brows together. "How did you know?" Lizabeth marveled suspiciously, crossing her arms around her chest and gawking at Analiza. "I haven't told anyone about it. And what I told Harold about is that I need rest after the news I received from my aunties regarding my father's health condition."

"Oh I'm sorry." Analiza enunciated apologetically, covering her mouth with her hand in mortification. "But that is what Harold told us about." She muttered thoughtfully, still gawking at Lizabeth in mortification. "He said you caught your crush, Mr Chandler David Limestone having fun… I mean extreme fun with a stripper." She added, cupping her own cheeks with her hands.

"Oh my goodness!" Lizabeth exclaimed exasperatedly, feeling agitated and confused. She whirled around and searched for Harold. "Where's Harold? Where's he?"

"There!" Analiza babbled, pointing to the kitchen door, where Harold just emerged. "There's the man of the hours."

Harold was leaning on the doorframe, looking at Lizabeth nonchalantly as if he knew why Lizabeth was looking for him. He heard Lizabeth – with the help of Brandon and Ariella clearly when they delivered Lizabeth's interpretation of her reasons why she needed to rest. Albeit Lizabeth told Harold that her father was sick and she had to visit him, Lizabeth was lying because she never left her apartment for the entire. She only holed herself there, listening to music, reading her favorite romance novels, watching news and sports events, and etc.

"Mr Miller, what are you talking about?" Lizabeth growled angrily, scooting fastly to Harold. "That is not what I told you about." She began while plastering a grimace that simplified her agitation. "I never said to you anything about i caught Chandler–

His Billion Dollar Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora