"Having sex with Tamara Swift."

"How did you know about it?"

"Simple and easy, Miss Redwood." Harold exclaimed indifferently while jerking off the doorframe. He sauntered languorously, heading directly to the island counter, where Gerald was segmenting slices of pork. "Mr and Mrs Limestone came and dined here last Friday night." He said, sloping his back against the counter. "According to them, their son finally lost his chance of impressing you. They said you caught their son having sex with a stripper."

Lizabeth thudded ploddingly straight to Harold, crossing her arms through her chest. "And now did they know about it? I know their son would never inform them about his agendas." She enunciated, remarking about Chandler. "I know Chandler very well."

"We don't think so, Miss Redwood." Gerald dove in and interjected, robbing Lizabeth's awareness from Harold to him. "We don't think you know about Chandler." He assured Lizabeth. "Chandler was aiming for your purity and he was determined to marry that woman named Mia Clara Lendholm to merge their business to the Lendholm business."

"And good thing you were hard to give in." Harold cooed, pointing his index finger to Lizabeth's face. "We're very proud of you, Miss Redwood." He patted a hand on Lizabeth's shoulder. "But you still be careful about Chandler." He warned her.

"But why?" Lizabeth furrowed, knotting her brows together. "He has no reason to get near me at all."

"He still talks to you.* Harold retorted rhetorically, twisting the corner of his lips. "And begs for another chance."

"I won't allow him to get near me." Lizabeth retaliated, drawing herself off of Harold. Then she wandered her eyes around and noticed something was lacking. "Where's Mr Cortez?"

Harold and Gerald, along with Analiza looked at one another before they resumed their attentiveness to Lizabeth.

"Excuse me!" Lizabeth scoffed wryly. "I asked you where's Mr Cortez?"

"I thought you and Mr Cortez were neighbors." Harold whined, giving Lizabeth a flat glare. "Didn't he inform you, Miss Redwood?" He matched through the kitchen and snatched the small white envelope from the small table in the corner.  He handed the small white envelope to Lizabeth. "He resigned yesterday."

That seemed to surprise Lizabeth that much, knowing Ralph was leaving Donatello's without letting her know. The two of them were together when Brandon referred their resumes to Harold. When they got hired, everyone in the Donatello's thought the two of them were in a relationship. They were so close and affectionate to each other – especially about Ralph who was too overprotective and caring about Lizabeth. And Lizabeth was oblivious to Ralph's manifestation of his feelings.

"What did he say about it? I mean what his reasons?" Lizabeth stammered reluctantly, being caught in timidness and culpability. She and Ralph never talked for the entire week while she was holing herself in her apartment. "We had a misunderstanding lately and we never talked for the entire week."

"He never told us anything about between the two of you." Analiza uttered while dragging a cart to fill in the orders. "He just said he wants to go back home in…" she trailed off and looked at Harold. "Where's that again?"

"Italy." Harold supplied abruptly. "But he still be staying here Los Angeles until next week or next month."

I see and thank God he's not leaving yet. Lizabeth mused mentally while reading the resignation letter Ralph had written. She smiled at the very last part of the letter Ralph wrote "life is meaningless if the most important thing is drawing away from him" clearly. I wonder what's the most important thing to him? I don't think it's me. If it's me, he would have confessed everything to me. All he did was being too overprotective and coming out clean to me.

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