"Please give me a break." Lizabeth begged loudly. "I have enough of what happened last night." She then twirled and looked at Chandler. "And you Mr Limestone, what are you doing here?" She huffed. "Why are you even here when you know I don't want to see you for now?"

"I know how you don't want to see me, Miss Redwood. But I came here to apologize to you for my behavior last night." Chandler explained logically, answering the injuries Lizabeth poked at him. He feigned an innocent face, forcing himself to look at Ralph. "And to resolve the issues between me and Mr Cortez."

"Resolve the issues?" Sebastian interfered and whined wryly. "You two even made Miss Redwood a referee again for the second time a while ago. And you have the balls to say you came here to apologize and resolve the situation." He sighed exasperatedly as he shook his head. He paced carefully, hauling himself to Lizabeth. "I suggest you two better ask apology to Miss Redwood. You two cause nothing but trauma to her."

"It's not me who started it first." Chandler denied defensively. "It's Mr Cortez who hit me first, not me punching him." He accused, pointing to Ralph. "So Mr Cortez must ask apology first."

"Chandler, it's not about who started it first and who made the first hit." Sebastian exclaimed rationally, correcting and declining Chandler's reason. "It's about how you both caused trouble and uncertainties to Miss Redwood. That is my point." He thudded beside Lizabeth and buffered himself between Chandler and Ralph. "Asking apology to Miss Redwood is equal as resolving the issues subtly."

"That is fine with me." Ralph sounded behind Lizabeth. "If it makes Miss Redwood feel comfortable and esse, then I'll agree with you."

"I agree with Sebastian. Not because I definitely want to make peace with you, Mr Cortez." Chandler moved forward, dragging himself near Lizabeth. "But simply because I want to see Miss Redwood happy and appeased."

Sebastian benignly volunteered to stand between Chandler and Ralph as the two began stating their words of apology. Ralph apologized first to Chandler and admitted his faults, putting all the blames on him. A smug smile encompassed Lizabeth's frame, feeling better to see how Ralph admitted all the faults. Seeing Lizabeth felt elated and complacent upon how Ralph descended himself, insecurity developed through Chandler. So without further ado, Chandler did the same as stated his apology and admitted the blame to himself.

And Lizabeth was surprised because she knew how Chandler was a typical high pride and ego kind of a man.

Eventually, Lizabeth exited and went to the grocery store hurriedly, leaving the three men behind the hallway. Reaching her car idling in the parking lot, Ariella saw her. And they decided to go together since she and Brandon had ran out of grocery supplies and stocks. During the ride to the grocery store, Ariella remembered how Brandon let had see a photo Chandler sent to him earlier. A photo of Chandler's face decorated with bruises and cuts with a caption, Mr Cortez is a tough guy. But Ariella shoved the thought for a while and decided to ask Lizabeth later.

Asking Lizabeth about the comotion would definitely distract Lizabeth from driving.

"I feel so terrified earlier."

Lizabeth gagged from strolling the cart through the alley of the grocery store when she heard Ariella. "And why?" She asked as she turned to her. "What makes you feel terrified?"

Pursing her lips, hand tapping on her chin, Ariella hesitated for a few seconds. As if she was contemplating and determining whether she would tell Lizabeth or not. But then made her decision mentally and confessed. "Well, Brandon received a message from Chandler earlier." She started and Lizabeth heeded. "It was a photo of him–"

"So he let Brandon know what happened last night."

"Not exactly. But what was really happened?" Ariella countered, excitement and curiosity filled her tone. "I mean Chandler uses a caption that says, Mr Cortez is a tough guy. Does it mean they have been in a fight?" She asked.

His Billion Dollar Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora