796.Brotherly figure

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"Is it about what you told me yesterday?" Without waiting for her reply, Hwan wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed, "Babe, it's okay even if Misan knows about us, there is nothing to freak out or panic. We will talk to everyone who knows about us together, everything is going to be okay. You dont have to worry about it."

"No I—" Somi stopped midway when someone interrupted me.

Awkwardly clearing his throat to mark his presence, Seojun said, "A word Hwan."

Wiggling out of his embrace, Somi whispered, "Please don't freak out and look for me after you are done talking to brother Seojun."

Before Hwan could ask anything, Somi ran away before giving Seojun a weak smile.

Folding his arms in the front, Seojun stated, "I will ask you two questions and I want an honest answer."

"Brother Seojun I—" Hwan was freaking out thinking that Seojun had seen him with Somi and figured out their relationship. He was freaking out even more when he started overthinking about what would happen if he told Jeonsan and others about it.

Cutting him off, Seojun inquired, "My first question, are you and Somi dating?" When Hwan did not say anything, he added, "Okay, don't tell me now but I am sure that you will definitely tell Jeonsan and others about it."

When he started walking away, Hwan panicked and quickly answered, "Yes, we are together for quite sometime now but in our defense, we aren't just fooling around. We are very serious about our relationship and I think that we have a bright future ahead of us." He didn't want anyone to think that what he had with Somi was only a one time thing or a fun activity, he was very serious about Somi and he wanted everyone to know how she means to him.

"How long?" Seojun curiously asked, he wanted to know if they started dating before he and Misan did.

"It's been six months."

"That is a month ago we started dating," Seojun muttered.

Hwan frowned and inquired, "What did you say brother Seojun?"

Clearing his throat, he rubbed his chin, "No nothing, I was just talking to myself. Anyway. So now coming to the second question." Pausing for a while, he dropped his second question. "Would you mind if I date your sister?"

Hwan scrunched his brows and fumed, "What? What do you mean by date my sister?" Without waiting for Seojun's reply, he snapped, "So this is what Somi wanted to talk about, you are dating Misan."

"Yes I am but in my defense, what I have with her is very serious and I am not just fooling around. I have had this huge crush on your sister for as long as I can remember."

"But how? And why? You are our brother Seojun, we have always seen you as a brotherly figure and now out of nowhere my sister starts dating someone brotherly, how on earth is that right?" Hwan was starting to freak out and nothing made sense to him.

Running his fingers through his hair, Hwan took a deep breath to calm himself down. "I can't deal with this right now, I need some fresh air."

"We are outside, there is fresh air everywhere.' Swirling around, Seojun took a deep breath, "Feel that? Fresh air."

Ignoring him, Hwan walked away without saying anything. He needed some time off to feed in the shocking information he had just received.


Sitting on the sand, Min took a deep breath and hugged her knees. She was sitting there for a really long time now but she still didn't want to leave. It was peaceful and not suffocated.

Just then someone placed a coat over her shoulder. "You shouldn't stay outside wearing something so thin, you'll catch a cold."

Pulling the coat closer and without looking at the person, she sighed, "What are you doing here Jihoon?"

Sitting down beside here, he answered, "Received an invitation for the wedding, so here I am." Without waiting for her reply, he continued, "I didn't want to come at first because I know you don't want to see me but I don't want to miss a chance to see you and spend some time with you even if it's from a distance."

When she did not say anything, he added, "I am not here to force you to be with me, you know that I would never pressure you to do something that you don't want to."

"Then why are you here?"

Looking at her, he shook his head, "I know that it's hard for you to trust me and it's completely your fault but remember one thing Min, if you ever feel like you can please come back to me. I'll always be waiting for you with open arms."

Tightening her grip around his coat, she looked at him with teary eyes. "If I get back with you, will you not hurt my family anymore?"

Balling his hand into a fist, he got and left without saying anything.

After Jihoon left, Jihun sat down beside Min and said, "Why didn't you tell me about Jihoon?"

After taking a deep breath, Min inquired, "Why did you invite him here?"

Shrugging his shoulder, he answered, "It's not me, Jeonsan and Zixin invited him over." Pausing for a while, he continued, "Jihoon is the college mate I was talking about, we know him for quite sometime now."

Looking at her brother, Jihun frowned. Wasn't Andree planning to hurt them? Suddenly everything that she had heard in Jihoons office didn't make any sense. "But—"

Cutting her off, he started explaining, "What you heard was true but did you ever try to ask him the reason behind it? Did you try to understand things from his point of view? No right?"


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