665.As pure as your soul

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Jungkook never once left her side which made Lisa wonder how he managed to help Zixin.

Jungkook took a deep breath and continued, "Since it was something that happened in the States, I asked Felix and Hyunjin to send some help but our son is fast too. May be Jeonsan already knew about Zixin's situation so he asked Joowon and Haruto to send Zixin some help too. With a bunch of additional people, Zixin's side could easily defeat his uncle's side but his uncle escaped from that place after stabbing Zixin."

Clutching onto his shirt, Lisa pursed her lips. If that man ended up escaping, wouldn't he come back to get back on Zixin? Lisa's heart sank at the thought of her kids going through everything that they had gone through in the past.

Kissing her knuckles, Jungkook shook his head. "I know what you are thinking babe but you don't have to worry. You trust me right?"

When Lisa nodded her head, Jungkook added, "Zixin's initial plan was to capture his uncle but that didn't happen so he didn't want to come back yet so-"

Interrupting him, Lisa completed his sentence, "You forced him to come back."

When Jungkook shook and nodded his head at the same time, Lisa raised her eyebrows.

Pouting his lips, Jungkook defended himself. "I didn't force anyone, I just told him that if he doesn't come back soon, I'll get Yuqi married to someone else."

Lisa widened her eyes in shock and gasped. "Jungkook, how can you do that?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and said, "He left me with no choice. How long is my daughter going to wait for him? What if he cannot find his uncle for another ten years? Is my daughter going to keep waiting for him? That isn't fair for my daughter."

"But wasn't Zixin doing that because he didn't want to implement Yuqi?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook took a deep breath and explained, "Lisa being a part of that world means that you are never free of danger. Even if he manages to get hold of his uncle, someone new will always pop up. Zixin has to learn how to protect his family and the people around him. This thing has no end to it but that doesn't mean he has the right to keep my daughter hanging. This whole 'I did this thing to protect my love' is bullshit for me."

Cupping her face, Jungkook added, "You think, what if I had done what Zixin did? What if I never married you thinking that I would risk your life? What would've happened if Jin, Jimin, Felix, Hyunjin, Bambam, Yoongi and Namjoon thought of the thing? We wouldn't have been where we are now. Being a part of that world doesn't mean you stop living. When you step into it, you have to make sure that you've the capability to protect everyone around you."

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Lisa asked, "So Zixin agreed after you blackmailed him?"

When Jungkook again shook and nodded his head, Lisa frowned. "Now what did you Jungkook?"

Giving Lisa a weak smile, Jungkook said, "I asked him to shift to country S."

Lisa widened her eyes in shock and gasped, "You what? Oh my God Jungkook, how could you do that? Is it why Zixin is here now?"

"No, I mean yes but Zixin was already planning to move to country S after dealing with his uncle. In fact, the Mo corporation headquarters has already been established in our country. I also low-key helped their men enter our country." Jungkook explained. Jungkook had already analysed everything and had asked Yoongi and Namjoon to help the Yang clan men enter country S. Jungkook knew Jeonsan would definitely investigate and would eventually find out that it was he who let them in. Jungkook was prepared to brush Jeonsan off or at least give him some crappy excuse but when Jeonsan did not ask him anything, Jungkook found it very weird but later he assumed that may be Jeonsan had already? guessed everything.

"So you mean that Yuqi will be staying here with us? I mean in the same country? Near us?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook smiled and nodded his head. "Yes honey, near us."

"Then what about Mr and Mrs Mo?" Lisa asked. Since the whole Mo family belonged to country N, wouldn't it be troublesome to suddenly shift everything to country S?

"They will come back to country S. In fact, they are coming back tomorrow." Jungkook said.

"And what about Zixin's uncle?" Lisa asked. The fact about Zixin's uncle still wandering around was making Lisa uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, We will catch him soon." Jungkook assured Lisa.

Jungkook wanted Zixin to shift to country S because he didn't wish to send his daughter to a foreign country where he had to rely on electronics to see or contact her. And another reason was to make sure that Zixin and Yuqi always stay safe. With the hold and power the Li family had in country S, it would be easy for them to deal with everything. Not that Jungkook didn't trust Zixin with Yuqi's safety. Jungkook knew that Zixin was a very capable man and the right man for his daughter but he still wanted to be extra sure because they didn't know how and when the enemy would attack them. In fact, the risk was even higher without the whereabouts of the enemy. Everything had to be well analysed to avoid all kinds of mishaps and dangers.


Glazed Resort.

Stepping out of the car, Jiyun smiled when he saw the beautiful resort. Turning towards Jeonsan, she asked, "You bought me quite far today, should I doubt your intentions Mr Jeon?"

Jeonsan chuckled and asked, "Well, you can if you want you but let me tell you that my intentions are as pure as your heart."

Jiyun pouted her lips and asked, "Where did you learn that from?"

Smiling at her, Jeonsan intertwined their hands together and started walking towards the resort.

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