669.Was he always like this?

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"Hmm sir-"

"Anyway, tell me how it was? Did she get through? Tell me that she did otherwise whoever is responsible for recruiting employees is fired." Seojun was feeling angry and frustrated. Firstly because Misan lied to him and secondly because no one from his office told him about it.

When the assistant did not say anything, Seojun yelled, "Are you going to say something or not?"

The assistant gulped in nervousness and started explaining the whole situation, "Ehhh boss actually Ms Min did not make it to the interview. She was late so the person in-charged chucked her out and appointed someone else and-"

"WHAT?" Seojun shouted his lungs out. "So what if she was late? Who the hell gave him the right to cancel on Misan?"

"Boss she was late and-"

"So what if she was late? She can be as late as she wants but how dare he cancel on her? This is ridiculous. My people are being treated unfairly in my empire and I don't know about it." He was feeling so angry and frustrated that he could barely control his emotions.


"Who from the HR department was in-charge if yesterday's interview?" Seojun asked.

"Mr Andrew Tame."

"Ask him to come to my office tomorrow. Ask the head of the HR department to call Huling back for an interview tomorrow and also bring Misan's resume to my office tomorrow." Seojun instructed before hanging up the call.

Tossing the phone aside, Seojun took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He didn't understand why Misan did not tell him about it. If she really wanted to join Oh Enterprise, she could've easily approached him.

Just then his phone buzzed and when he saw who it was, his dampened mood immediately brightened up.

After clearing his throat a couple of times, Seojun took a deep breath before receiving the call.

"Hello, brother Seojun."

'BROTHER' oh how badly Seojun hated this word.

"Hello? Brother Seojun are you there?" Misan asked.

"Hmm, what is it?" Seojun asked.

"Oh it's nothing, are you busy or something?" Misan asked.

"No, why? What happened?" Seojun asked.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Misan said, "I think I left my water bottle in your car."

"Oh really? I just gave my car for a wash today and I found nothing."

"Really? Oh that is strange. Anyway, maybe I left it somewhere." Misan said.

Seojun nodded his head and let out an affirmative sound, "Hmm, may be."

"Okay brother Seojun, I'll hang up now. Good night."

"Hmm, good night." After hanging up the call, Seojun chuckled and picked up a cute little pink bottle from the table.

Admiring it for quite some time, he carefully placed it back and sighed.


Jeon mansion.

It was almost midnight but Wonwoo was still taking a walk in the garden. Neither could he sleep nor eat properly because he couldn't stop thinking about Sana.

"What is my handsome son doing here so late at night?" Lisa asked.

"Mom? Why are you up so late?" Wonwoo asked.

"I was feeling hungry so your dad is making some noodles for me." Stopping right in front of her son, Lisa raised her eyebrows. "You look super excited for something. Quick tell your mom."

"Excited? Me? Oh hahaha it's nothing." How could he tell his mom that he actually had a sweet eye over an employee of their company? Well, not that it was a problem but what would everyone think of him?

"Ahhh so now you have started lying to your mom as well. That is nice."

"I am not-" when Lisa gave him a 'I AM YOUR MOTHER' look, Wonwoo sighed and helplessly shook his head. "Okay fine, yes I am excited."

Lisa chuckled and asked, "And why are you excited? Is it because of a new project? Or a new assignment?"

"What? No mom it's not about any assignment or project." Wonwoo explained.

"Oh then is it because of a woman?" Lisa asked.

When Wonwoo grinned and nodded his head, Lisa sighed and pulled his cheeks. "Look at you, I still feel like you and Somi were born yesterday and now both of you have become so big. You are even seeing women now."

"Mom, I am not seeing women. It's just this woman that I think is cute and-"

Cutting him off, Lisa asked, "Cute? You are falling for cute? I mean it's okay to call for cute but cuteness is better served with politeness, kind, humble, and sweet."

Wonwoo nodded his head and continued, "Yeah mom, she seems polite too but I don't know about other things. I am going out with her tomorrow so I'll find out."

Lisa smiled and nodded her head, "Ahhh so you are going on a date tomorrow. So you are super excited and you can't fall asleep now."

Wonwoo scratched his forehead and smiled. "It's not exactly a date but-actually she doesn't know it's a date but I'll convert it into a date."

Lisa chuckled and patted her son's shoulder. "Well, whatever it is I am just glad that you aren't slow like your father and big brother. Bring her for dinner someday so that we can see her cuteness too."

Spreading his arms, Wonwoo dramatically exclaimed, "Well, I think there is time for that. I mean I still need to trap her in the web of my handsomeness and breathtaking charm."

Meili chuckled and said, "Well, Mr Jr Jeon, if you don't go to bed right now, I don't know about your handsomeness but she will be horrified after seeing your dark circles tomorrow."

Wonwoo widened his eyes in shock and touched his eyes. Giving his mom a peck on her cheeks, Wonwoo gave her a goodnight hug. "Okay mom, I am off."

"Why are you hugging my wife?" Singtan asked.

Sticking his tongue out, Wonwoo grinned. "I am hugging my mom."

Jungkook frowned deeper and gestured Wonwoo to back off.

"Geezz mom, was he always like this?" Wonwoo asked.

Lisa chuckled and said, "Well, your dad was jealous of you people when you all were super small and couldn't even open your eyes."


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