786.I'll make sure

141 6 0

Jeon mansion


"I know that he is still alive."

With his hands tucked in his pocket, Father Yang sighed, "Look son, there is a reason why your mother and I wanted you to leave the country and settle down here but you are making our efforts go in vain."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Zixin fumed, "So do you expect me to just stay back and let him do whatever he wants?"

"You have already acted very recklessly when you attacked Mark Tuan a few months ago, you staked your life Zixin and I am still very mad at you for doing that. I am telling you to back off because I have everything under control and—"

Cutting his father off, he snapped, "You had everything under control in the past as well but you still got shot by your brother right?"

"Zixin you are not understanding the situation, do not forget that you are not alone anymore. The word about your marriage has already spread like wildfire back in our country so if they can't get your hands on you, they will directly attack Yuqi. You are about to start a new family and you are more vulnerable than before."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, father Yang sighed, "What makes you think that I did not have the capability to take Mark Tuan down? I did have all the means but I also have a family and I was always very scared to lose you both. This is why I decided to end everything in a very peaceful way."

"And what did you get out of it? A gunshot." Pausing for a while, Zixin snarled, "People like Mark Tuan do not understand the concept of peace father and you know that."

Helplessly shaking his head, father Yang sighed in dejection, "I just don't want you to get involved in all of this son, I would rather take a hundred shots than lose you." Patting Zixin's shoulder, he continued, "If not about your parents then at least think about Yuqi, she is counting on you for many things and giving up a lot of things in life to be with you. Do you think that it's okay to let her down in any way?"

"So do you want me to just sit back and watch how he keeps attacking my family? Trust me dad, even Yuqi will never want me to just watch him hurt everyone. Mark Tuan needs to pay for whatever he has done and I'll make sure that he does," Zixin snapped.

Without waiting for his father's reply, he dashed out of the garden angrily.


Inside the mansion.

"Yuqi, where is Zixin?" Jiyun inquired.

"He is talking to his father in the garden," Yuqi answered.

Passing Jiyun the ribbon, Jeonsan inquired, "Uncle Yang is here? I thought they were coming to the island directly tomorrow."

"Yes, that was the initial plan but mother insisted everyone to travel together," Yuqi explained.

"Oh that is so—" Jeonsan stopped midway when he saw Zixin. "Hey man, come and help with these ribbons."

Scrunching his brows, Jeonsan frowned, "What happened to him?"

"I'll go and check on him," Yuqi said before following Zixin.


Inside Yuqi's room.

When she entered the room, Zixin was lying on the bed with his eyes shut.

Sitting on the edge of the, she placed her hand on his arm. "I am here whenever you want to talk."

Without saying anything, he got up and placed his head on her lap before placing her hand on his head. When she started running her fingers through his hair, he wrapped his arms around her waist and took a deep breath.

"Five days left for the wedding and my groom is all sad and depressed," she chuckled.

"I am not sad, just upset."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she said, "Zi look at me." When he lifted his head up, she cupped his face and smiled, "It's completely okay with being upset at times and I have no idea what kind of conversation you had with dad but remember that our parents always wish the best for us. Maybe there is a difference in opinion right now but there is nothing that a decent open conversation cannot solve. Talk to him properly and try to understand things according to his perspective, tell him what you feel and listen to what he has to say." Kissing him on his forehead, she added, "Always remember that I am here for you no matter what happens."

Kissing the back of her hand, he smiled, "How do you always manage to calm me down?"

"Well, if I couldn't calm you down then you wouldn't have been marrying me. Now if we are feeling better, we have many gifts to tie ribbons on."

"What? Ribbons? I thought we were cuddling," he complained.

"Wedding is in five days so are you sure you want to cuddle and not help with the arrangements?" she inquired.

Reluctantly nodding his head, he sighed, "Fine, lets help with the arrangements."



"Ahh there you are, so Yuqi managed to cheer you up?" Jiyun chuckled.

Kissing the back of Yuqi's hand, Zixin smiled, "As always."

Looking at Jeonsan's grumpy expression, Yuqi raised her brows, " Now what happened to his mood."

Helplessly shaking her head, Jiyun sighed, "He is just grumpy because I am pairing Qiang with Hwan."

"Oh so you also think there is something going on between them? Zixin and I were talking about this yesterday night," Yuqi remarked.

Turning towards Jeonsan, Jiyun grinned, "You see that honey? It's not just me."

"What makes you think that something is going on?" Jeonsan curiously inquired.

Shrugging her shoulders, Yuqi answered, "I don't know, I just see them together all the time so when I told Zixin about it, he told me that even he had been noticing that." When Jeonsan frowned, she added, "And apart from the fact that Hwan is like family, they look cute together."


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