604.David's End

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Just then, Danson and Hyunjin entered the room.

Hyunjin frowned when he saw Kiara crying. Walking towards Kiara, Hyunjin asked, "What happened to her?"

"She is like that so don't bother her." Danson said.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asked.

"Mr Kim, she is crazy." Danson said.

Holding his bleeding arm, David frowned and he shouted, "You-how can you do that to your father? How can you join hands with the Jeon clan and work with them?"

Danson chuckled and he said, "I have learnt everything from you father."


"I am not heartless like you, so I won't kill you because no matter what you are my father." Danson said.

David nodded his head and said, "Yes and-"

Cutting him off, Danson said, "So I'll be a good son and hand you over to them and then let them decide what they want to do with you."

"You-how can do that?" David shouted.

"Oh, so you can kill my mother but I cannot hand you over to the Jeon's?" Danson asked.

When David gave him a complicated look, Danson smiled and said, "You thought I did not know? Anyway there is no point discussing the past now so I'll just take my leave and let them do what they want to." Before walking towards the door.

"No stop, you cannot leave me alone wait-"

"No point shouting old man, your son just sold you out." Hyunjin said before gesturing the guards to come in.

"Take him to the other cell." Hyunjin said.

The guards nodded his head and dragged David out.

Looking at Kiara, Hyunjin narrowed his eyes and said, "And you-"

Pausing for a while, he continued, "There are many people who want to deal with you so we have decided to give each one a chance so just wait for your turn." Before getting up.

"Will Jungkook come too?" Kiara asked.

Without saying anything, Hyunjin left the cell.


When Jungkook and Namjoon arrived at the base, Jimin was waiting for them at the entrance.

"I have been calling you all since a really long time but- anyway how is he?" Jimin asked.

When Namjoon did not say anything, Jimin shook Jungkook's shoulders and asked, "How is Yoongi?"

After killing everyone except for David and Kiara, Jimin, Hyunjin and Felix stayed back to deal with them while others took Yoongi to the hospital.

Jimin had been feeling restless since a really long time and was impatiently waiting for their arrival.

The guards standing beside them were also anxiously waiting to know about Yoongi's condition.

"We don't know when he will wake up but we still have hope." Jungkook said.

Jimin pursed his lips and said, "I'll go and see him." Before rushing outside.

"Big boss, can we go and see him too?" The guards asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes you can." Before walking inside.


Outside the cell.

"How is he?" Hyunjin and Felix asked when they saw Jungkook and Namjoon.

After telling them about Yoongi's condition, Jungkook asked, "Where is David?"

"Inside the cell." Hyunjin said.

Folding his sleeves, Jungkook said, "Namjoon, go and get Yoongi's tools from his room."

Namjoon widened his eyes in shock and said, "Boss-"

"Do what I say." Jungkook said before entering the cell.

David was solely responsible for Yoongi condition, so would Jungkook ever let him go?

They had no idea when Yoongi would wake up. They did not even know whether he will wake up or not but Singtan would make sure that David doesn't walk out or stay inside the cell alive. He would make him suffer a hundred times more than Yoongi.


Inside the cell.

When David saw Jungkook walking towards him, he gulped in nervousness and fear.

This was the first time he was seeing the Jeon Jungkook in real life. He had only heard about the cold and aloof king of the underworld whom everyone feared. And now that he was seeing the king in person, David understood why people feared him so much.The aura that Singtan emitted was dangerous as well as suffocating.

Dragging a chair, Jungkook sat down right in front of him and said, "I never thought that one day I'll have to deal with someone lowly like you and dirty my hands." Before wearing his gloves.

Pausing for a while, Jungkook continued, "Too bad you dared to touch something that is so dear to me."

Just then Namjoon entered the room along with Yoongi's tool box.

Taking the box from Namjoon's hand, Jungkook said, "Now why don't you start telling us your story while we arrange this."

When Jungkook started opening the tool box, David stammered and asked, "W-What story?"

"Why did you ask your men to kill my little brother?" Jungkook asked before picking up Yoongi's favourite pliers.

Namjoon smiled and he said, "This is Yoongi's favourite. He uses this to pluck nails out."

Lifting the plier up, Jungkook asked, "Do you want to start narrating after I pull out all your nails?"

"Min Yoongi is your brother?" David asked.

Jungkook mockingly smirked and he said, "Ahh now you know that you touched someone whom you shouldn't."

David shivered in fear and said, "I didn't know that he was your brother."

"Why Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

David frowned and he shouted, "Because he killed my son."

"Son? Your son just sold you out and left." Namjoon said.

"No, not Danson." David said.

"Then who?" Namjoon asked.

"My other son, Rombi." David said.

Pausing for a while, David continued, "Min Yoongi tortured my son to death and when I found his body, his eyes, ears, nose and fingers were missing."

Rombi was David Clark's illegitimate son from his mistress Natalia. David loved Rombi more than Danson. But the sudden death of Rombi shocked him and Natalia. A few days after Rombi's death, Natalia committed suicide and in rage, David killed Danson's mother.

When David investigated Rombi's death, all he could find out was that he was tortured by Yoongi and from that day, David had been hunting for an opportunity to kill Yoongi.

When Kiara approached him, David decided to help her take her revenge and take his revenge on Yoongi as well.


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