624.Our life

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Jeon mansion.

4:00 am

Jungkook was feeling so excited that he couldn't sleep for the entire night. He was fidgeting, tossing and turning in bed for the entire night.

When Jungkook couldn't take it longer, he quickly got down from the bed.

Sitting beside his wife who was obviously soundly sleeping, Jungkook narrowed his eyes.

It had already been three days since he stole Lisa's wedding ring but she did not react nor did she ask him about it which was strange. He had expected Lisa to freak out and look for the ring everywhere which obviously did not happen and now he was feeling weird.

Did the spark in their married life really faded away with time? And that is why Lisa wasn't bothered even after losing her wedding ring?

Jungkook vigorously shook his head and got up. There was no way he would let their spark just fade away like that.

Rubbing her eyes, Lisa slowly got up and said,"What time is it? And why are you up so early?"

Crossing his arms, Jungkook asked,"Lisa, where is your wedding ring?"

"I don't know maybe I misplaced it somewhere." Lisa said.

Jungkook frowned deeper when he saw how chill she was about it.

"You misplaced it? How can you misplace it? That is your wedding ring, something that I gave you." Jungkook said.

Staring at him, Lisa raised her eyebrows and thought 'You stole it.'

"It's not a big deal honey, It's probably somewhere." Lisa said.

"Not a big deal? You think it's not a big deal? Babe that was our wedding ring." Jungkook said.

Lisa groaned and said,"Jungkook it's 4 am for Pete's sake, let me sleep." Before covering herself with the quilt.

Jungkook frowned deeper and said,"Why do feel like you don't really care about ring?"

When Lisa did not say anything, Jungkook got up and left the room.


Inside the study room.

Pacing to and fro inside his study, Jungkook opened his laptop.


Top result: Reminisce the past. Take your spouse to all the places where you have been together. Spend some quality time with her and talk to her about all the good times that you both have spent together.

Jungkook thought for a while before taking out his phone.

"Hello Jin, a slight change in plans." Jungkook said.


Jungkook's and Lisa's room.

"Babe wake up." Jungkook said.

Lisa groaned and asked,"What happened?"

"Wake up because we have to go somewhere." Jungkook said.

Lisa got up and asked,"Aren't we leaving in three hours for our vacation?"

Jungkook nodded his head and said,"Yes but before that I want to take you somewhere."

"Jungkook, I have to help kids get ready and then help mom to-"

Cutting her off, Jungkook said,"You don't have to do anything, mom said she will manage. I want you to come with me."

Lisa sighed and said,"Okay."

"Quick, go get dressed." Jungkook said.

Getting down from the bed, Lisa said,"You are acting all mysterious and weird lately Mr Jeon, what is going on?"

Jungkook shook his head and said,"Mysterious? It's nothing babe."

"I see." Lisa said before entering the washroom.

After Lisa left, Jungkook received a call from Jimin.

"Dude, why did you change the plan at the last moment." Jimin asked.

"You won't understand, it's about the spark." Jungkook said.

Jimin frowned and asked,"What spark?"

"Ehh you won't understand. So you all take everyone to the airport and I'll will bring Lisa there directly." Jungkook said.

"Alright, I don't know what you are planning but still all the best and don't be late." Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded his head and said,"Alright." Before hanging up the call.

Just then Lisa stepped out of the washroom and asked,"Where are we going?"

"You'll know." Jungkook said before rushing towards the washroom.


Inside the car.

"Jungkook, where are we going?" Lisa asked.

"You'll see." Jungkook said.

Lisa sighed and said,"Give me a hint at least."

Jungkook shook his head and said," No hints because you are good at guessing and I don't want to ruin it."

"Okay at least tell me how long until we reach that place?" Lisa asked.

"Thirty minutes, you can take a nap if you want to." Jungkook said.

Lisa nodded her head and said,"Wake me up."

"Definitely." Jungkook said.


Thirty minutes later.

"Babe wake up, we are there." Jungkook said.

Slowly opening her eyes, Lisa asked,"We are there?"

Jungkook nodded his head and said,"Yes but stay inside." Before unbuckling his belt and stepping out of the car.

Running to the other side, Jungkook opened the car door for his wife before extending his hand.

Unbuckling her belt, Lisa placed her hand on his before stepping out of the car.

Looking around, Lisa gasped and widened her eyes in shock.

Looking at Jungkook, Lisa said,"This-"

Jungkook chuckled and said,"I am glad you still remember this place."

Looking around, Lisa smiled and said,"How can I ever forget this place Jungkook? My whole life took a 360 turn in this place."

Kissing her knuckles, Jungkook said,"Our life."

Jungkook had brought her to the same cliff where he had asked her to marry her five years ago.

"Come let's go." Jungkook said before guiding her towards the cliff.

Stopping right where they were standing that day, Jungkook said,"That day wasn't just a coincidence, I had people following you right after you left the banquet hall."

Pausing for a while, Jungkook said,"You have no idea how scared I was when my men told me that you had hailed a cab to this cliff. I was so scared and worried all the way here. I thought that I will lose you again."

Lisa chuckled and said,"I was stupid back then."

"You have no idea how relieved and happy I felt when I saw you but seeing you standing so close to this cliff almost stopped my heart. I literally rushed towards you and when I pulled you into my embrace and away from this damn cliff, only then I felt at ease. You really scared me that day." Jungkook said.


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