716.Man instincts

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Inside Jeonsan's car.

"Call me Jeongin." Mimicking Jeongins voice, Jeonsan murmured before starting the engine.

Suppressing her laughter, Jiyun pursed her lips before looking out of the window.

"Seriously Jiyun, are you laughing?" When she vigorously shook her head, he added, "You should've laughed at his face and not me."

"You are acting like a kid honey, stop sulking over that."

"Why will you call him Jeongin? Why does he want you to call him by his name? And what kind of name is Jeongin? Sounds like gutter to me." Jeonsan didn't like that stupid doctor and genuinely doubted his intentions.

"Well, he did ask me to call him by his first name but did I?" When he shook his head, she added, "So what are you sulking about?"

"I am not getting a good vibe from that stupid doctor okay?"

"What do you mean?" Jiyun asked.

"My man-instincts are telling me that he is dangerous and he is up to something."

"Man-instincts? Is that even a thing?" She asked.

Jeonsan vigorously nodded his head and said, "Obviously it's a thing. Like don't you women know when some other woman tries to snatch your man away as soon as you see her?" When she nodded her head, he added, "Yeah so man-instincts are the same thing."

"I think you are just over-thinking and even if he has ill-intentions honey, I'll stay away from him okay? Right now I am too occupied thinking about us and our wedding. I don't want you to think about anything else. Let's just stay happy and enjoy this beautiful phase. I want all your attention okay? Don't think about your man-instincts and just enjoy this moment with me." Hooking her arms around his, she placed head head on his shoulder, "Just think about me."

Kissing the top of head, Jeonsan sighed. "I guess you're right. As if that creepy doctor can take you away from me. Wouldn't I bury him alive if he tries to take what's mine?"

Giving him a peck on his cheeks, she smiled, "Scary but I love it."


Jeon mansion.

"We need to go down." Yuqi said in between her moans.

Pulling away, Zixin buried his head in her neck and took a deep breath. "This is such a torture. Can't we stay together after getting engaged?"

Running her fingers through his hair, she smiled, "Hmm we can but you have to take dad's permission."

"I can wait until we get married."

Yuqi chuckled and asked, "Why are you so scared of dad? It's not like he will eat you or bury you alive."

"You kidding me? I am worried that he would shoot me on the spot even if I mention taking you away with me before getting married. Your dad is dangerous okay? He gives me creeps."

"He is the sweetest." Yuqi retorted.

"Uh huh, just for aunt Lisa, you and Somi."



"Why did mom and dad leave so quickly?" Yuqi asked.

"Ahh it's nothing serious babe, they will be back tomorrow before the banquet."

"Are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me right?"

Pressing his lips on her forehead, Zxin smiled, "Let's go down."

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she sighed, "Let me hug you for a while." Yuqi knew he was hiding something but she understood why he didn't want to tell her about it. Zixin didn't want her stress about anything.

When his parents suddenly left for country C yesterday, she already knew that something was wrong. She tried to find out the real reason behind their departure but couldn't find anything out.

Caressing her back, Zixin said, "Yuqi."


"I love you."

Tiptoeing, she pressed her lips on his and smiled. "I love you more."


Uptown Cafe.

"So are you coming to the banquet?" Jihun asked.

Lia nodded her head and said, "I was supposed to fly over to country C for a couple of days but Zixin and Yuqi will kill me if I don't."

Taking a sip of his oreo milkshake, he asked, "Why do you go to country C so frequently?"

"Because that is my country, I mean I was born there."

"Hmm but you have a job here now, I mean Yang Corporation has already been established here so why do you keep going back?" He asked.

"I go there to meet someone."

Resisting the strong urge to knit his brows, Jihun forced himself to ask, "Someone special?"

"Ya, someone very special."

"Oh, that is nice." Awkwardly clearing his throat, he glanced at his watch and said, "It's almost 7, I think we should leave."

"Wow we have been sitting here for two hours? Time surely flies."

Looking at her, Jihun smiled, "It surely does."

Jihun and Lia had been in constant touch after they exchanged numbers. Since Zixin was busy with his wedding, Jihun was helping Lia out with company matters as they didn't want to bug Zixin and force him to work.

Apart from meeting professionally, they also started meeting privately almost everyday for a cup of coffee or for a movie sometimes.

Lia was a strong, independent, loving and beautiful woman and Jihun admired her for all the qualities she had. The more he met her, his willingness to know everything about her kept on increasing.

He noticed that Lia flew back to country C every weekend and would catch an early flight to country S on Monday. He was very curious and wanted to know the reason behind flying back every weekend but who would've thought that after learning that she flies back for someone special, he would feel so disappointed and uneasy.

Shrugging his disappointment away, Jihun grabbed his keys and said, "I'll drop you home."

Lia smiled and nodded her head before grabbing her bag and leaving that cafe with him.


Jeon mansion

"I am so worried about him elder sister and he doesn't seem to care about anything that I say. He just shrugs me off and says that he is fine but I know that he isn't." Massaging her forehead, Jennie added, "I don't know what to do with this boy."


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant