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Shrugging his shoulders, Haruto said, "What? That is the truth, maybe you are a good boy now but you had a really bad reputation in the past."

Yunho sighed and helplessly shook his head, he couldn't deny whatever Haruto had said but everything was in the past now and he was a changed man now, a man who was desperately and madly in love with Elsa.

Glancing at her watch, Somi sighed and grabbed Hwan's hand before dragging him away. "Let's not waste our time talking to them Hwan, we have to leave."

"Where are you two going?" Haruto inquired.

"Uncle Jungkook wants us to bring something from another town, so we are going there," Hwan informed.

Yunho frowned and informed, "There is a storm coming up around midnight, I heard about it in the news so checkin into a hotel for the night."

Hwan nodded his head and answered, "Yeah okay, we will be careful," before walking away along with Somi.

Intertwining her hands with his, Somi chuckled, "So sharing a hotel room with my boyfriend for the entire night, this sounds fun."

Inching closer, he whispered, "Hmm maybe we can finish off what we started today."

"You better do something about that otherwise I'll kill you."


Sana's place

Looking around, Wonwoo sighed, "Honey, you seriously need to look for a new place. I neither like the security nor your neighbours in this building."

Sana chuckled and said, "Oh come on Wonwoo, it isn't that bad."

"What are you talking about Jen, the security in this place is so poor that even a mugler can enter and leave the building without any worry." Wrapping his arms around her waist, he added, "This place isn't good for you and I feel very uneasy when I leave you here alone."

"Finding a new place is not very easy and this place is very near to work too so it's convenient."

"Listen, I know you are going to say no but I have an apartment which is very near to the office and the security is very nice." When Sana sighed, Wonwoo added, "Just listen to me once and—"

Cutting him off, she cupped his face and gave him a peck on his lips. "I love you Wonwoo but I don't want to trouble you."

"Trouble? What are you talking about? You are my girlfriend so what is so wrong with staying in my apartment?" The bad security facility and bad maintenance of the building where Sana stayed had been bothering Wonwoo since the very beginning. To make things worse, a few boys who lived in the apartment next door, kept bothering her despite several warnings. Wonwoo kept insisting on Sana to shift to his apartment but she kept refusing his offer saying that it wasn't right.

Running her fingers through his hair, she chuckled, "I am your girlfriend, not your wife so there are some boundaries."

"Okay so that is the real problem? So if you were my wife, you would accept my offer?" he inquired.

"Whom are you calling?"

"Calling mom to inform her that you and I are getting married."

Widening her eyes in shock, she snatched his phone and snapped, "What? Are you crazy?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he frowned, "What? You just said—"

Cutting him off, she sighed, "I was just joking with you and who gets married this way? Were you seriously going to inform your family over the phone?"

Wonwoo nodded his head and answered, "Yes." When she gave him a weird look, he added, "Well, At least I was informing them, when dad married mom he did not even tell anyone from his family. It was uncle Tae who found out and told everyone."

Just then someone banged the main door very hard, startling both of them.

Wonwoo frowned and asked Sana to stay behind before walking towards the door.

Clutching onto his sleeves, she kept walking behind him nervously. "B—Be careful.'

When Wonwoo opened the door, an old man was standing right in front of them. "Someone just murdered the tenant of apartment no: 27, the policemen just arrived and they are investigating the matter so be careful."

Wonwoo nodded and said, "Thank you so much."

After the old man left, Wonwoo slammed the door shut and started walking towards the bedroom. "That's it, you are coming home with me."


"Please babe, don't argue with me on this one. Someone who lives two apartments away just got murdered, so are you still trying to convince me to believe that this place is safe?"

Without arguing anymore, she sighed, "But how can I stay in your place? That is so awkward and—"

Taking out a bag from the wardrobe, he remarked, "The wedding is in less than a week and we are flying out the day after tomorrow so it's completely okay for you to stay with us for the time being. As soon as the wedding is over, we will look for a nice place for you to move in."

Thinking for quite some time, Sana reluctantly agreed. She knew that there was no way Wonwoo would let her leave all by herself in her apartment and she also understood that the place isn't safe anymore.


Jihoons place.

When Jaehyuk entered the apartment, Jihoon was busy sipping his wine, lost in his own thoughts.

Sitting down beside him, he said, "There is news, the man we had hired to watch over Sana is dead."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jihoon inquired, "How is she?"

"I was about to send someone to fetch her but Wonwoo took her with him to the Jeon mansion." Pausing for a while, Jaehyuk continued, "He was very brutally murdered."

When Jihoon did not say anything, he sighed, "Are you not going to say anything? He is surely trying to threaten us and he is targeting Sana this time."


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