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Hiltop Hotel.

As soon as Jihun entered the hotel, the manager quickly rushed towards him and politely greeted him. "Mr Park, what a pleasant surprise, I wasn't expecting you to visit us today. Do you have an appointment? Let me go and check if things are ready or not."

Cutting him off, Jihun shook his head and said, "I am not here for an appointment."

"Oh then does Mr Park want anything?" The manager asked.

"Hmm, help me find the details of a reservation under Yang Zixin's name." Jihun instructed.

"Yes, Mr Yang has a reservation here, in fact, someone is already attending the meeting." The manager explained.

"Which room number?" Jihun asked.


Inside the VIP room.

"Apart from the fact that we have been into this business a long time time, Mr Pete is well aware of Mo corporation's reputation and name. So you can figure out what profit and exposure this deal will bring to your company." Lia calmly explained resisting the strong urge of punching his face which was brewing in her heart. The man has been giving her lusty vibes as soon as she entered the room.

Mr Pete chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course, if someone like you is a part of the deal then I will obviously be at an advantage."

Lia frowned and asked, "Excuse me?"

"Oh I mean, if someone as capable as you is a part of this deal then my company will surely advance." Giving her a creepy smile, Mr Pete started pouring wine for both of them. Passing a glass to Lia, Mr Pete said, "Let's toast."

"Ah no I am sorry, I don't drink when I am working." Lia politely rejected his offer. She was in a hurry to seal the deal and rush out of the room. Breathing in the same room as him was making her go crazy.

"What are you saying Ms Williams? This is just wine, it isn't like we will do something after drinking only a glass." Mr Pete winked at her before shoving the glass towards her.

"No, I am sorry but I don't drink when I am working." Keeping the glass aside, Lia was about to explain the other clause when the latter suddenly brushed his thumb on the back of her hand.

Retrieving her hand back, Lia pursed her lips. "What are you trying to do?"

"Just trying to feel your soft skin." Mr Pete shamelessly said.

Lia narrowed her eyes and was about to action when someone entered the room.

"Uh Huh, my skin is super soft too, does Mr Pete want to feel that too?" Jihun asked. He was about to enter the room when Mr Pete started urging Lia to drink with him. He then decided to wait for a while and see how Lia responded to him. When he witnessed Lia's reluctance towards Mr Pete's shameless actions, Jihun decided to take some action.

Mr Pete widened his eyes in shock and jolted up. "M-Mr Park."

Ignoring him, Jihun turned towards Lia and asked, "Are you Zixin's friend?"

When Lia nodded her head, Jihun said, "Pack everything up, you are leaving with me."

Not liking his bossy attitude, Lia slightly frowned but she still reluctantly started packing everything up.

"But we aren't done yet and-"

Cutting him off, Jihun raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you aren't done yet? Well, since you wanted to touch her 'SOFT' skin, I thought you were already done."

"Mr Park I-" stopping midway, Mr Pete lowered his head when Jihun glared at him. Seeing that Lia was alone, he thought he could take a little advantage of her but who would've thought that Jihun would barge in all of a sudden and ruin everything.

Taking the briefcase from Lia's hand, Jihun extended his hand towards Mr Pete for a shake. "I hope you get the deal."

Mr Pete gulped in nervousness and quickly accepted the shake but he winced in pain when Jihun exerted only 30% of his strength to smash and squeeze his hand.

When he saw Mr Pete's scrunched and pale face, Jihun chuckled. "Make sure that next time when you decide to feel someone's 'SOFT' skin behind closed doors, you've the stamina and strength to do so. Such a weakling and yet you have the balls to harass a woman."

Turning towards Lia, Jihun raised his eyebrows. "Now do you need a special invitation to slap him or at least smack his head?"

Lia quickly stepped forward and gave Mr Pete a good strong slap.

After Lia was done, Jihun let go of his hand and took out his handkerchief from his pocket.

After wiping his hands, Jihun asked Lia to do the same. He then tossed the handkerchief on the table and guided Lia out of the room.

Before leaving, Jihun turned towards Mr Pete and smirked, "Don't worry, the soft skin touching scene and the slapping scene remains inside this room."

After they left, Mr Pete clenched his hands into a fist and gritted his teeth.



"Did you drive here?" Jihun asked.

"No, I took a cab." Lia said.

"Where are you planning to go?" Jihun asked.

"I wanted to see Zixin and discuss a few things about the deal but now the deal is over so I guess I'll just go to the office and figure out something." Lia explained.

Pausing for a while, Jihun said, "Zixin would never want to deal with someone who doesn't have any respect for women. He would've done the exact same thing that I did."

"Are you one of Zixin's childhood friends?" Lia asked.

"My name is Park Jihun."

Lia nodded her head and said, "I know your name, you people are pretty famous and always manage to secure a spot for yourself in the business magazine."

Jihun chuckled and asked, "You read those stupid business magazines?"

Lia nodded her head and answered, "Yeah, it's fun."

"They write whatever they want to in those magazines. It's 30% reality and 70% unrealistic facts." Jihun explained.

"Well, they sound real."

Jihun nodded his head and said, "Come, I'll drop you to the hospital."

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin