623.Wedding preparations

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Jungkook frowned and said,"Stop making that face."

"Just admit it Jungkook." Jimin said.

"Admit what?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin chuckled and said,"That you are a coward when it comes to women."

"Shut up." Jungkook said.

"Dada let's go, I want that doll house and Lisa wants it too." Yuqi shouted.

"You want to buy toys first?" Jungkook asked.

Yuqi nodded her head and said,"Yes, I want to buy that dollhouse first."

"Dada even I want that new video game and a new robotic car." Jeonsan said.

Jungkook smiled and said," Alright, let's get toys for you all first."

"Uncle Jungkook I want a drone." Ben said.

Jin raised his eyebrows and asked,"Drone? That is very difficult to control."

"I will learn." Ben said.

Jungkook nodded his head and said,"Alright, you can buy whatever you want. And Ben, I'll teach you how to control it later."


Jeon mansion.

"Big brother said that the wedding gown is heavy so he wants me to make an alternative dress for you for the reception." Jennie said.

"Heavy? Well, I won't be shocked if your weddings gowns have real diamonds embedded in them." Rosè said.

" Real diamonds?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, it's Mr Jeon okay? He is the one who you the world's most expensive and unique ring, he can do anything." Rosè said.

Jennie frowned and asked,"Sister-in-law where is you ring?"

Lisa chuckled and said,"Your big brother stole my ring yesterday night. He thought I did not notice."

Last night, Mr Jeon sneakily stole his wife's ring because he wanted to use the same one for the ring exchange ceremony after they take their vows.

"Awww why is he so cute?" Jisoo said.

"He is acts like a small kid." Lisa said.

Jennie chuckled and said,"The funny part is that big brother still thinks that you don't know about the wedding."

"Yeah Lisa you better act all surprised and excited." Rosè said.

Lisa nodded her head and said,"Yes I will."

"Okay so let's go." Jisoo said.

Lisa sighed and asked,"Do we have to?"

"Obviously, grooming is very important. It's your wedding Lisa and you will also have your first night again." Rosè said.

Lisa chuckled and said,"First night? We have been married for five years already."

"So? You are getting married all over again and it is a huge thing." Rosè said.

Jennie nodded her head and said,"I second that."

"We are leaving after three days right? So we should hurry." Jisoo said.

"Jennie will you be able to arrange dresses for everyone before Monday?" Rosè asked.

Jennie nodded her head and said,"Don't worry about that and all of you will get your dresses by Sunday."


Shopping mall.

Toy store.

"Yuqi choose fast." Jeonsan said.

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