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At Exodus labs, the Presidents chopper arrives as she and her security exit. A Exodus labs executive approaches and shakes Martin's hand.

Exodus Labs Executive: Madam President. It is an honor. Professor Daniels is expecting you. This way.

The Exodus Labs Executive leads Martin to Daniels office.

Daniel: Madam President, I cannot tell you how much this means to me. This is a great opportunity for the Enhumans to finally fit in.

Daniels places approval papers in front of Martin, who grabs the pen and contemplates.

Martin gives a contemplated look, thinking of how the approval of the cure will hurt the Enhuman community.

Daniels: Together, we're going to make sure that Enhuman warfare in our planet comes to an end.

Martin: Can you assure that? That the moment I sign this, there won't be backlash.

Daniels: There will be, but the moment every Enhuman power is extinguished, we will be the heroes, not the Supers. You see, I started this company when I was just a boy, Madam President. A dream where everyone was just about the same. Making the world a better place. A safe place.

Martin sighs, and shakes her head. She then prepares to sign, but then suddenly, screaming and gunfire is heard outside. Martin and Daniels turn and approach the window to look down below, Threll soldiers, Brutes and drones attacking Exodus Labs security.

Daniels: What the hell?!

Suddenly, the President's Security Detail bursts into the room, guarding the President.

President Security Detail: Madam President!

Martin: Boyce, what's going on?!

President Security Detail: We're under attack!

Daniels: Enhumans?

President Security Detail: I don't think so!

President Security Detail: President is secure! I repeat the President is secure!

In the lower floors of Exodus Labs, the Exodus security open fire on the Threll drones, brutes and soldiers, but their weapons have no effect as the security detail is easily overpowered and cut down. In Daniels office, Krylla breaks into the room, smiling.

President Security Detail: Open fire!

The President Security Detail open fire at Krylla, who telepathically blocks the bullets, before launching them back at the President Security Detail, hitting three of them in the chest while using her tentacles to impale or throw the rest of the security detail against the wall or out the window. Afterwards, Krylla approaches Martin.

Krylla: The First Lady. It is a such a true honor. If it makes you feel better, it is finally good to see a woman run for President.

Daniels: Excuse me.....but you're on a very private company grounds! This is unheard of and absurd with what you're doing!

Krylla turns to Daniels.

Krylla: You're the guy who created the cure for Enhumans, right?

Daniels shakes his head.

Daniels: Yes, I am.

Krylla: Hmm....Well, might as well do the Enhumans a small favor.

Krylla then grabs the screaming Daniels telepathically by the neck, before sharpening her tentacles. A shadow reflection then shows Krylla decapitating Daniels in one swipe, splattering blood on a shocked Martin. Daniel's severed head falls on the floor, before Krylla tosses his decapitated corpse out the window. Martin then grabs a pistol and shoots Krylla in the head as the bullet has no effect. Krylla then turns to Martin, swipes away the pistol with her telepathy and grabs her by the throat with her tentacle, bringing her face to face.

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Where stories live. Discover now