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In Afghanistan, Kala, Cooper, Ramirez, Sweeney, Ford and another soldier, a Vietnamese man, Truie, are scouting while Cooper uses his binoculars to scope out a group of terrorists that are taking a hostage through to a cave.

Cooper: We got these assholes now.

Coopers uses his flashlight to scope out the cave, before he rejoins his team.

Cooper: It's dark. We're going to lose coms in there.

Cooper then speaks into his radio.

Cooper: Base, this is Delta Echo One. We have positive ID on the hostage.

Base: Delta Echo One. Understood. What's the status on the hostage?

Cooper: Still alive. We followed the insurgents to a tunnel system.

Base: Delta Echo One. Stand by.

Ford: You know; it's getting kinda late. Maybe we should back trail and break camp for the night. Wait til night.

Kala stands up.

Kala: That hostage looked like he was in bad shape.

Kala hands Cooper a ammo clip as Cooper sighs.

Ford: It's always freaking night in a cave.

Truie: Why you being such a pussy, Bobby boy?

Kala: Why are you always such a dick, Truie boy?

Truie: I like you, Kala.

Cooper cocks his assault rifle.

Cooper: Get ready to move.

The U.S Marine team moves into the cave as Base speaks through radio.

Base: Delta Echo One, secure hostage and proceed to exfill.

Cooper: Understood.

Cooper then speaks to Ford.

Cooper: Sweeney, on point. One beam, no white light. Everyone go goggles.

The U.S team puts on their night vision goggles.

Cooper: Ford, I want IR markers at 25 meter intervals.

Ford: Roger that.

The U.S team moves into the cave. Meanwhile, at Parker Tower, the wedding, the reception takes place as Scarlett and Xiang observe the wedding cake.

Scarlett: I honestly thought the cake would be a little bigger, you know?

Xiang: Yeah, tell me about it. We work for a billionaire and Donnie's one of his best employees. You'd think he'd put enough money towards a bigger cake.

Alex and Jessica approach the two Purifiers.

Alex: Scarlett. Xiang.

Scarlett: Mr. Miller and Ms. Drakos......

Jessica: We appreciate you guys coming for Joseph and Trisha's wedding.

Xiang: Of course; we put our differences to celebrate the union of two wonderful young people....even if we tried to kill them several times.

Alex: Surprised the rest of the Purifiers didn't show up.

Scarlett: Well, of course, Snake-Bite and Mammoth would've stuck out like a sore thumb so of course, they couldn't make it.

Jessica: What about Lilian?

Scarlett: She's on an important assignment. She sends her regards, though.

Xiang: We were just talking about how everything looks beautiful.

Jessica: Thanks, guys. We put a little work into it. French diliquisy. You don't think we did too much, did we?

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Where stories live. Discover now