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In a suburban neighborhood, in a home, a young girl is curled up in bed while her parents wait outside.

Miles: When's this guy supposed to get here?

Katie: He's supposed to be on his way.

Miles: Can we trust these people?

Katie: Yeah....I don't think we have a choice right now....with Sarah's condition.

Outside the home, a well fashioned car drives up as a young John Parker and young Adrian Tombs step out.

Tombs: I still don't understand why you invited me along.

John: Because I asked you. I'm starting a business, Adrian....and a business requires leverage and you can vouch for that.

Tombs: All to help you, dear friend...but I think I also know why you want this one to be apart of your business.

John laughs.

John: Yes, she's a pretty girl....but...this one....this one is special...she has a gift.

In the home, Miles and Katie are discussing the Parker Industries building with John and Tombs.

John: As you see, I'm starting a business full of strong opportunities and I just see fit to it that your daughter could fit that....she could help me lift that off the ground.

Miles: Mmm-hmm...

Miles turns to Tombs.

Miles: And you can vouch for this?

Tombs: Yes, I can. John's been my friend for years and what he's building or going to will change the world for the better....or so he says.

The Parents and John laugh.

John: My friend here can be quiet the comedian.

Miles: Yeah, the building looks like it'll be tall....but what about Sarah? What about her condition?

Tombs: Condition?

Katie turns to Miles.

Katie: Miles....

Miles: I'm just seeing....Sara is eighteen years old and....the things she can do.

Tombs: And what exactly would that condition be, Mr. Clark?

John raises his hand to Tombs, before leaning to the Clarks.

John: If we could, could we speak to Sara? In private?

Katie: Of course....

Katie turns and yells upstairs.

Katie: Sara, could you come downstairs, sweetie?

Moments later, Sara walks downstairs and then sits in front of John and Tombs.

Miles: We'll let you guys talk, then.

Miles and Katie leave the room, before John smiles at Sara.

Tombs: You were right, John....This one is pretty.

John clears his throat then speaks to Sara.

John: Hello. My name is—

Sara: John Parker. You're 29 years old and starting a company called Parker Industries and you'd like me to be apart of that vision.

John: I'm impressed.....did you overhear that? Or did you read our minds?

Sara looks at Tombs then back at John.

John: We know what you are, Sara.....and you're not the only one of your kind.

John's eyes turn into his laser state as he smiles. Sara gives a surprised look.

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Where stories live. Discover now