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After hours of finally studying the formerly captured Threll, Charles and V.O.X are finally able to create antigen for the Threll.

V.O.X: Master McGregor. We did it.

Charles: We finally did it. We created an antigen...

Charles smiles, then looks V.O.X.

Charles: Assemble the team to the Grid.

In the Grid, the Supers, Purifiers, David, Blake and Hawkins have a meeting.

Joseph: Okay, Charles, we're here. So, what's this important meeting for?

Snake-Bite: Yeah, I was in the middle of chasing a rat in your air ducts.

V.O.X: Master McGregor and I have finally been able to construct an antigen for the Threll....

Charles: An antigen that will disperse as a gas and that will kill all the Threll in the planet.

Eva: All the Threll?

Charles: Yes, only there's one problem; their damn fighters and saucers are covered into their shields

Hawkins: and human weapons can't penetrate it.

Thermo: But Enhuman powers can....

Charles points at Alex.

Charles: Bingo.

Arachnica: So, what's your plan to penetrate those defenses?

Charles: V.O.X can explain.

V.O.X: I've scanned the mothership, Krylla's head ship and if we plant a virus into that mothership, it will filter too all the corresponding ship below.

Genesis: He's right.

Trisha: Yeah! Once that happens, we can deploy the antigen.

James: Take all those bastards out with one blow.

Mammoth: I-I'm sorry, I don't get it. Just how, exactly, do we infect the mothership with a virus?

Charles: Uh...well...

V.O.X: Master McGregor was going to recommend we use the Raven and dock with the mothership, using the Threll's DNA signature to grant us permission to the ship.

Charles: Thank you, V.O.X. We can enter the mothership. Upload that virus, set off some kind of energetic explosion that will deploy that antigen.

Hawkins: Will it just take out the ones in New York? Or—

V.O.X: No, I can coordinate and mark targets of all Threll presence on Earth. Once the antigen is deployed, all the Threll will be killed.

Snake-Bite: How do we know your little antigen won't harm us in the process?

Charles: The antigen is designed to harm only the DNA signature of the Threll.

Hawkins: And once the shields are down, how long will they stay down?

Charles sighs.

Charles: A few minutes....an hour.

Blake: You want us to coordinate a massive worldwide counterstrike with only an hour?

Hawkins: With the shields down, it'll be possible.

David: And what about my mom?

V.O.X: If she's still alive, she'll be with Krylla.

Jessica: We will rescue the First Lady, David. You have our word.

Blake: Well, then who are the crazy bastards that are going to go on that mothership?

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя