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In the ruins of London, Lily walks into the Purifiers base, slowly turning back into Arachnica, who removes her heels from her feet.

Arachnica: How the hell can humans stand in these uncomfortable things on their feet all day? Whoever made these damned things needs to die.

Tombs and Scarlett approaches Arachnica with Xiang, Mammoth, Snake-Bite, and new Purifiers around; a bald African-American man named Switch, an animal like Enhuman named Ravage and a vampire like Enhuman named Bloodlust.

Tombs: Having fun in the White House?

Arachnica: More or less......you try standing in human heels all day.

Xiang: What did you find out?

Arachnica: As far as the cure, I can't figure out its source....but they're so scared of us that they want to make us all....

Tombs: Like them.....

Mammoth: Goddamn humans....

Snake-Bite: Always blaming for the bullshit.

Switch: Hell.....if this gets approved, we'll have to take it.

Scarlett: No, we don't....and we won't....because there's nothing wrong with us...any of us....

Tombs: And if these humans try to force this cure upon us, we will destroy those who try.

Ravage: What about the Supers? We've been here for three years since those damn Atlanteans sunk the city...how do you know they won't find us?

Tombs: Relax....London has been quarantined from the rest of the world....no one's coming to look here....as for the Supers, I offered them a chance to stay out of our way...

Bloodlust: And if they don't?

Tombs: Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

In Afghanistan, the U.S marine base, the Eagle flies above the skies. Inside are Quantum, the Owl, Dragonfly, Power Surge and Neon Crane.

Dragonfly: You sure we shouldn't have brought the whole crew with us?

Quantum: For something this small? No....

The Owl gives questioning looks.

Neon Crane: Still can't believe it. Kala....I haven't seen her since 2011.

Power Surge: Yeah, I wonder what kind of trouble she's gotten herself into now.

Neon Crane: Joseph....

Power Surge: I'm just saying...

Quantum: Hey, let's put all that aside for now.

The Eagle descends in the U.S marine base as the team exits with an elderly General Hawkins approaching the team.

Hawkins: Quantum....

Quantum: General Hawkins.

Quantum and Hawkins shake hands.

Hawkins: Twenty years and you've upgraded your suit....and your team. The things the news is saying about you guys is incredible...apart from the negative comments.

Quantum laughs then turns to Power Surge, Neon Crane and Dragonfly.

Quantum: Guys, this here is General Hawkins of the military. He, Owl and I worked together twenty years ago.

Quantum: General, this is Dragonfly, Neon Crane and Power Surge.

Hawkins: An honor....tell me; you guys hear about that cure?

Quantum: Yeah, we know about it. What's your opinion on it?

Hawkins: You ask me; only the bad Enhumans should be forced to take it if the President gives the okay. Not you guys. Shit, you guys have protected this country from wars that humans have started.....

The Owl: Appreciate that general. What are we looking at?

Hawkins leads Quantum, The Owl, Neon Crane, Power Surge and Dragonfly to a quarantine tent, where Kala lies unconscious and the glowing alien fragment remains in a cage.

Hawkins: Yesterday, around 23:00 hours, Sergeant Lance Cooper lead his team, consisting of Corporal Donavan, into some tunnels to rescue hostages from the insurgents. Only one thing; we only got so little out of Kala. She's in and out of it. She claimed that the hostages and the insurgents, as well as her whole team, were killed by small bugs with faces.....and then she mentioned a temple. She came back with a rock...a glowing rock....I figured if humans can't understand what we're dealing with, Enhumans could.

The Owl, immediately recognizing the fragment matches the one he collected twenty years ago, widens his eyes while Neon Crane looks down at Kala, who is whispering in her sleep an uncertain language.

Power Surge: What's this language she's speaking?

Hawkins: Hell if I know, son......we've tried using every single translator even Google translator. We still can't understand what she's saying.

Quantum: With your permission, General, if you could give Kala and this alien fragment to us, we'll figure out what exactly we're dealing with.

Hawkins: Permission granted, son. Call it a favor for saving our asses twenty years ago.

In the Eagle, Neon Crane and Power Surge stare at the unconscious Kala.

Power Surge: You okay?

Neon Crane: I wondered what she was doing all these years...ever since....

Power Surge puts his hand on Neon Crane's shoulder.

Neon Crane: I'll be okay.

Quantum, Dragonfly and The Owl talk.

Dragonfly: What do you think?

Quantum: Well, the woman's clearly not a threat this time....

Quantum turns to the alien fragment.

Quantum: As for that....I'm not sure.....

Dragonfly: We're definitely going to have to do some studying on both Kala and that rock to know what we're dealing with...

The Owl: I'll study the rock...

Quantum: You sure, Charles?

The Owl: ....I will.

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Where stories live. Discover now