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In Greece, Trisha, Joseph, Maria, Alex and Jessica arrive at Greece.

Jessica: What a lovely vacation place, Alex. Don't you think?

Alex: Of course....if you don't mind the history of how they treated women....

Joseph: Focus, guys. We are here on a mission.

Trisha: Really? I thought we were here to take pictures...sight see....also, you know, the thing called a honeymoon.

Joseph smiles.

Joseph: There's that, too.

Maria: How about we not let anyone think we look to inconspicuous.

Alex: I think we should split up. Look like couples that are vacation. Tourists....

Jessica: But we are tourists, Alex.

Maria: Hey, what am I supposed to do? Since you know I'm kinda stagging here.

Trisha: Look like a tourists....and kick anyone's ass.

Maria: And just how am I supposed to do that? You two are a couple. Alex and Jessica are a couple and..and....

Joseph and Trisha walk in a separate direction while Alex and Jessica walk in another direction, leaving Maria all by herself.

Maria: And I'm talking to myself.....the crazy human is talking to herself.

Joseph and Trisha are walking around the area of Greece.

Trisha: You know, this really does feel like a honeymoon.

Joseph: Minus the friends coming with us....and your sister.

Trisha: You know, she's just looking out for me.....

Joseph: Yeah, I know.....Hey, I kinda overheard your conversation with her....about the cure if it gets approved.

Trisha: I'm sorry about that, by the way.

Joseph: You shouldn't be apologizing.

Trisha: I know....she should.

Joseph: She made a point, though. As long as you have these powers, we have these powers.....we'll never be deemed normal....I mean, Trisha, just think....

Trisha: Think about what?

Joseph: Do you really think we can live a life as a family like this? As people with superpowers? Can we really raise kids with these?

Trisha: I don't know, Joseph.....but I don't we should let a cure that might be approved scare us into trying to have a life. Enhuman or not....Your powers came naturally. Mine were given to me.

Joseph nods then kisses Trisha. Alex and Jessica are walking around and finally the anomaly is located. Alex speaks into his earpiece.

Alex: Joseph, Trisha, Jess and I have spotted where the anomaly crashed...but definitely not Enhuman....I'm going to try to get close....grab it.

Joseph: Okay....try not to get caught. No powers.

Alex: You got it.

Alex and Jessica walk up to the police blockade of the anomaly.

Greece Police: (in Greece) Hey, no civilians! Turn back!

Alex: Oh, I'm sorry. We thought this was the way to the Thessaloniki.

Jessica: (in American accent) Yes, I guess us Americans didn't read the brochure properly. We're just silly tourists.

Alex and Jessica then knock out the police officers.

The Supers: Evolution (2016)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu