Chapter 58: WICKED

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Despite the pain, Alex ripped herself from Minho's arms and threw herself at the closed stone door. Banging her fists on the door. She let out a heart wrenching sob, slamming her fists on the stone. Causing the walls around them to shake.

"No no no no!" She sobbed.

Alex doubled over and slid down the wall, sobbing. Not only for her beloved faithful dog. But for Matt. And Jeff. And Alby. And Pedro. And Zart, and the countless others. Everything was black. Maybe her eyes weren't working. Maybe she was in hell. It sure felt like it.

How is this freedom when you feel this broken? How is this freedom when it costs so much?

She felt a gentle hand on her head, it slid down to her face. And a strong arm pulled her close to their chest. She sobbed onto their chest. Her body was so tired. And so sore. The strong arms slowly unwrapped and she looked up to see Newt's sad brown eyes, also filled with tears.

"I'm sorry Alex."

She wiped her eyes with a shaky hand.

"Ya well."

She shoved her emotions back down with a shaky breath.

"We knew we would have to fight, the creators weren't going to let us waltz out out of here, right?" She pulled away and tried to stand. But stumbled and had to hold onto the wall.

"Stop! You're hurt!" Minho's voice said beside her.

"Ya. And so are the rest of us!" She hissed, her back bleeding and stinging, her ribs aching and her heart breaking.

He wrapped an arm around her carefully. Together the three walked to the front to where Thomas and Teresa were standing. As she passed by, what remained of the Gladers whispered "did you see she totally destroyed that Griever?"

"She was literally shaking the walls!"

"She left fist prints in the shuckin wall!"

Newt, Alex and Minho came to a stop beside Thomas and Teresa.

"The door opened down there!" Teresa nodded down the hall, where a sliver of bright yellow light was coming from.

The Gladers clumped together. They cautiously walked down the dark cold hall towards the light. Thomas slowly pushed open the door and stepped into another hallway. Everyone else followed on his heels. The hall was dark, but once the door behind them clanged shut a light flicked on. One after another the fluorescent lights flicked on, racing down the hall. The hallway they were standing in was made of cement, with tubes and rusty pipes running along the walls. There were a few sparking cords hanging. It was cold and damp, making Alex shudder. The drying sweat and blood didn't help. Minho pulled her closer. The air was also damp and moldy. Alex looked both ways down the hall.

"I guess we try right first?" She asked no one in particular.

Thomas nodded and took the lead. Teresa right beside him, Minho, Alex and Newt right behind them. Alex reached back and took hold of Chuck's hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Remember, be brave." She whispered, and he nodded. The hall came to a dead end, there was a big rusty metal door at the end of the hall. Above the door was a neon green sign that was flashing "EXIT" mockingly at them.

"Seriously?" Said Frypan, drily.

"Oh the irony is awful, isn't it?" Alex agreed.

Everyone was glancing at each other nervously. This was it. This was freedom. Behind this door. Their nightmare could end.

Defender - The Maze Runner (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن