Chapter 16: Day One Greenie

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The alarm blared, bouncing off the stone walls, making it even louder. She had her hands clamped over her ears. Her eyes wide she turned to her brother.

"What's that noise? I recognize it!" She was yelling over the loud alarm.

Newt smiled, "That, my dear baby sister would be the bloody Newbie Alarm! Meaning, you're no longer the Greenie! Congrats!"

She jumped up and down punching the air, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She bolted out the door, down the stairs and towards the box.

The other boys didn't seem as affected, but she headed to the box. Chuck came bounding over, bouncing up and down, at least he was as excited as she was! "Hey Chuckles! How's your morning?'

"Someone is having quite the day! First you snuggle with Mr McDreamy all night, then ..some kind of weird mental brain glitch, and now you're not the Greenie anymore. I think most guys will still call you She-Bean."

"Did you just tell me I had a mental glitch?" Alex glared at him.

Frypan and Matt sidled up with them, "So there ma lil lady-Bean, you going to explain what the shuck happened at the picnic table?"

"No, first I want details of Minho and you last night!" Matt gave her an expected look, raising his eyebrows and pumping her shoulder.

Alex just shook her head laughing, "you guys are impossible!"

"It's not like we have a lot going on. We have about 30 minutes before the box shows up. So sit down and explain." Frypan ordered.

Chuck and Matt pulled her down onto the grass. They crossed their legs, elbows on knees, resting their chin on their hands, staring intently at her, waiting. She shook her head and sighed exasperitly, but gave them the short version of what happened at breakfast. The boys had wide eyes and mouths open. Chuck slapped his forehead.

"How did we not see this?" Fry nodded his agreement.

"It's so shuckn' obvious! It's like a female version of Newt." Matt said in wonder.

"HEY! That's not nice! I'm way better looking than that shank!" Alex protested.

"Well ya, that's a given! Your hair is also way more red" Chuck agreed, his curls bouncing as he nodded. Fry had his hand tapping his chin, looking thoughtful for a moment. He looked at Alex with a sly glint in his eye, he glanced at Chuck and Matt. Both grinned evily at Alex.

"Whaat? Fry...guys...I don't like that look!" Alex was a bit worried, "You Glade Gossips what are you scheming?"

Fry grinned at her, "well now that we know Newt is officially off the market- well... with you anyways...Minho has a clear shot!" Matt and Chuck high fived.

"Eeeewwww! Frypan! There was never any 'on the market' with him! Ever!" She pretended to throw up. She eyed him suspiciously, "And why do you want Me and Minho together so bloody bad? Man, you three need a hobby! He's also been a bloody shucken idiot the last few weeks, if you haven't noticed."

Chuck snorted, "A dreamy shucken idiot. And we do have a hobby, setting you up with McDreamy!"

"You keep calling him that, maybe you should take your shot with him, little mister!" Alex sassed back, poking Chuck in the chest. Changing the subject she asked, "So, what do we think the new greenie will be like? Think it's another girl?"

The boys shook their heads, "nah, it'll be some poor shank again" Matt said sympathetically, patting her shoulder.

"I think you were a weird fluke. No offense." Chuck added.

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