Chapter 46: Alby

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Newt was the first one to move closely followed by Alex.

What did he wanted to talk to me about, why was I the first one he wanted to see..What did he see in the changing? Uhg, I've been hanging out with Thomas for too long, now I'm asking all the questions.

They reached the door, and Newt knocked on the MedHut door and slowly opened it. Newt walked in with Alex close on his heels. Thomas was a little hesitant at the door, Minho and Teresa waiting in the hall. Teresa looked a little lost and frightened, and Alex couldn't make out what Minho was feeling, he had a charming smile talking to Teresa, but then looked over and his face fell into a mask of stone.

Alex shook her head again, she didn't have time to figure out what was going on in his head. Alby groaned, catching her attention.

Sitting on the bed, with his back facing them was Alby. A wave of relief washed over her, he was up, and he wasn't trying to hurt them...yet. Newt walked over and sat beside his longest friend.

"Alby?" he asked cautiously.

"I didn't ask for you Newt, I asked for Thomas and Alex. Get out." Alby replied, his voice was gravelly and angry. Newt looked over his shoulder at her with a hurt expression on his face. Thomas looked as confused as Alex felt.

"But..Alby.." Newt tried again, hurt in his voice. Alby groaned and held his head in his hands. His voice was rough when he spoke again

" going to change..the new girl..Thomas..Alex...I saw them.." Alby groaned again, his face in his hands.

"What do you mean you saw-"

Newt was cut off by Alby yelling "I SAID OUT! I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOU!" Newt flinched back. He stood up and stomped to the door.

"FINE! Ya grouchy shank, they are right bloody here" and he slammed the door.

Thomas and Alex were left alone with Alby. He looked over to them, they were still standing by the door, a little leary to move closer. Considering the last two people who went through the changing had tried to kill her, Alex had slipped a knife out of her belt, and was holding it loosely in her hand.

"I know who you two are, I saw it and the girl...I saw you..I saw where we came from and who you are...I remember the Flair.." he trailed off.

Alex exhaled heavily. "Yes Alby, I know who I am. I know I 'worked' for the creators. But I also know I was forced to. I was tortured and manipulated by a twisted group of people. Thomas also knows a little, only the small snippets of what I have seen- which aren't a lot. I also know that we both, and Teresa- the new girl- tried to stop it. I don't know what pieces of memories you saw, but I know we are not bad people." She finished, looking the boy on the bed dead in the eye.

Alex knew her past, or at least part of it and she had to live with that. She had to come to terms with the part she was forced to play in the creation of the maze and other aspects of this shucked place. The guilt was still there, but the people she loved and trusted told her she wasn't a bad she chose to believe them. There was no way the Alex now would condone this. Hopefully the Alex before the maze was the same.

Thomas looked at Alby like he might hold all the answers to all his life problems.

"The Flare? I don't know what you're talking about Alby. What did you see? I would love to know who I am...or was." It sounded like he was forcing himself to talk.

"It ain't pretty...why would they want us to remember? Why can't we just...can't we just live here...happy away from it all?" Alby said, his gaze was distant, he looked so broken and sad.

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