Chapter 40: Mother of a Shuckin Bloody Griever

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**Spice Kissy scene**

The Gladers and most of the keepers had left, it was still early in the day, and they still had work to do. All that was left was Newt, Thomas, Minho and Alex. For once in his life Thomas was speechless, he still sat in the chair, struggling with the idea that he had been made a runner.

"So that was your plan hey? Make this shank a runner?" Newt asked, clapping Thomas's shoulder.

Minho smiled evilly, "Worked, didn't it? Aim high, hit low. Thank me later" He clasped Thomas on the other shoulder, "There was no shuckin way I'd give up Keeper. Alex has to KEEP me around now that I made it through the night."

Alex goaned, "That is never going to stop, is it? What? Did you spend all night thinking of keeper puns?"

Minho turned towards her, and pulled her closer, his arms loosely around her waist. "Something like that. Should I KEEP on going?"

Everyone just rolled their eyes.

Newt grew serious again, "Guys, these last 2..3?.. months have had more disruptions than in the last two years!"

Thomas looked guilty, even though he knew nothing. Alex looked at the floor, then back up at the guys. She pulled away from Minho's embrace.

"Ok, guys sit down, Newt knows this already, but you two need to know this."

Minho gave her a hurt look "How come I don't know this?"

"Cuz you left me behind yesterday, when you and Alby decided to go into the bloody maze, you ridiculously attractive shuck face! This happened yesterday morning when the new girl showed up."

His face made an "Oh" and then sat down on a chair, placing his elbows on his knees, his chin on his hands, and stared up at Alex, blinking rapidly, "Ok Sunshine, I'm all ears! Ready to listen and learn. Take it away! Newt, hand me your notepad and pen, I'm taking notes."

Alex rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, she was trying hard not to smile. "You're a slint head."

"Ahh, but I'm your slint head now." He winked at her.

Thomas was looking at her in confusion, he looked like a lost puppy.

When does this guy NOT look confused? How is it that I trusted him to take down this WICKED with me? He better be smarter than he looks.

"Okay, so, when the girl came up I got nothing from her, there were no memories or familiarity. It wasn't until Newt MADE ME try and have a memory vision. Nothing happened until I touched-"

Newt snorted "Touched? You slapped the poor girl on her bloody forehead!"

"You made me frustrated...she won't remember..anyways, when I made CONTACT, I had another big one- like the one in the Maze, Min." He sat up straighter.

Alex explained everything she could remember from her memories. Thomas looked more and more confused and kept trying to interrupt her with questions.

"THOMAS! Slim it until I'm done, I'll probably explain everything anyways, stop making this longer!" She snapped. She finally explained what she could. She took a deep breath.

"So Thomas, we were in this together, along with the girl, from the start. When it was just you, me and the girl we had had enough and came up with a plan, I have no idea what our plan was. Or how you and the girl got me here to this maze, after I was caught. I'm sure we won't ever know, but thank you!" Her voice just about broke, she was looking between Newt and Minho.

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